
Web 2.0 is a new version of the World Wide Web, it is not an update to any technical specification, but to cumulative changes in the ways software developers and end-users use the Web. Web 2.0 allows users to connect and interact with each other by social networking. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, and web applications. The term Web 2.0 was first used 1999. Web 2.0 gives us more than just information, it allows us to interact with others, debate, post opinions and participate. Although there is positives there is negatives. It allows users to spam and put incorrect information up, immature people as well on the net group chatting or trolling.
Wikipedia is a website that many of us use like our right hand. Wiki is used more than eBay and amazon main reason is because it is easy and understandable for many of us. Also it is always top search for google & doesn’t have any pop ups or commercials. Even though the article we are reading on wiki could be right or wrong or have so many typos we still trust a site that was made from a bunch of strangers and edited everyday by people who may or may not know anything about the topic.

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3 Responses to Wikipedia

  1. Anne Leonard says:

    What information evaluation techniques do you use to determine if information from Wikipedia is accurate, current, complete, and/or unbiased? We will discuss this in great detail in the coming weeks.
    Be sure you distinguish between Wikipedia and a wiki. A wiki can be any participatory website to which a community of users contribute content. One example is wikitravel, a travel website to which anyone can contribute. ~Prof. L.

  2. Alae Mito says:

    There is many techniques that I would use to make sure that the information on Wikipedia is accurate, current, complete and unbiased. One of the many things I would do is before I even choose a topic from Wikipedia and depend on Wikipedia I would make sure I have knowledge on this topic therefore when I do read the article or/and information I would be able to see if some stuff posted are true or not. If I do not have any knowledge about the topic I would read Wikipedia as well as other more dependent and well known websites just to make sure what I am reading. While knowing if something is unbiased or not is harder then before because many people only post there opinions so as well as researching other websites as well I would make sure to get a collection of pros and cons so my paper isn’t biased as well. To make sure the information posted on Wikipedia is accurate, complete, current, and unbiased you should always check who edited it, and always have other sources to allow you to believe Wikipedia.

  3. Anne Leonard says:

    Hi Alae, just saw your message. Insightful comment on Wikipedia! ~Prof. L.

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