Wikipedia and the Public

The World Wide Web is becoming a very popular place for users around the world. It has been one of many ways for people to communicate and learn different aspects of each other. Websites like Wikipedia allow users to share information on a variety of topics to aid others in research. However, the accuracy of the information is not guaranteed and it either may be incorrect or misleading. The amount of data that we can work with has dramatically increased and we discovered new ways to access and organize large amounts of data at one time. Although the internet may be a dream come true for frequent users, the problem is that it may be a user’s worst nightmare. Because information is not often questioned and subjected to verification, cyber-predators can easily target a potential user and quickly spread rumors and lies about him/her and knew that their information will be assumed true. Any social website, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace, are popular locations that these attacks can happen freely. Now, anyone can post information online and there is no cure for proving that information valid.

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