Notes from today, and reading & blogging assignments for Thursday, February 14

Today we discussed non-text media and some of the challenges presented by moving from a predominantly analog environment to a digital one. On Thursday 2/14 we will discuss alternative media, both print (zines, pamphlets, etc.) and electronic (blogs, wikis, etc.)
Please read the following three articles:

–Eland, Critical thinking, deviant knowledge and the alternative press
–Zine World, A quick guide to zines
–Wright, The history and characteristics of zines(Part I only)
Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post.
Discussion facilitators are Ricardo, Jessica, and Harpreet. Facilitators, please review the guidelines and remember that you must post a summary of the readings of at least 150 words as well as a minimum of 5 discussion questions.

Slides from today are available here.

Don’t forget that the college & library are closed on Tuesday, February 12.

~Prof. Leonard


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