Media in the Digital Age

The media can derive from a large amount of sources whether it’s video, audio, or plain text. Thank to the World Wide Web, media production increased exponentially, allowing major entertainment companies to release programs such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, Quicktime, etc. They also introduce hypertext markup language (HTML), the basic block code of the web. An advanced version, extensive markup language (XML), is developed to automatically update content so that companies will no longer require to do manually. The majority of video media were from traditional, familiar, and established sources.

Journalism in the online world used video to make reports such as “A Shifting Bolivia”, that the Bolivian president, Evo Morales, a former coke grower was now against the prime ingredient for cocaine. This report can translate the Spanish language into English by dubbing subtitles from Spanish audio sound bites. Later, this feature can translate all languages now known to humankind. Another source of media, fan-made films, originally on the big screen and television, has made its way on the internet. Most of them were not as great as the original films but no legal action was taken because the fan-films were only for entertainment.

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