As you work on the Online Documentation project…

As you and the other members of your group continue to work on the Online Documentation project, let me know if you have any questions about the assignment or encounter any issues setting up your projects on the OpenLab. The OpenLab team offers technical assistance; please contact them with technical issues.

Class attendance during our in-class work sessions is crucial! If you have a personal emergency and have to miss class or be late, please let me and the other members of your group know ahead of time if possible. You probably want to swap email addresses & phone numbers with the members of your group and agree how to divide up the work so that you can all work independently and contribute to the project outside of class time.

On Wednesday, we’ll determine the order of presentations. Four groups will present on Monday, May 21 and three on Wednesday, May 23.

Good luck, everyone!
~Prof. L

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Groups for the online documentation project

Today we reviewed the guidelines for the online documentation project and the class presentations. Presentations will take place on Monday, May 21 and Wednesday, May 23, and the final project is due by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 23. All members of each group will receive the same grade on the project and the presentation. On Monday, May 7 groups will be working together in our regular classroom, A543. By Wednesday, May 9, groups will establish an order of presentation.

The groups are as follows:

Itohan, Anthony C., Liza

Carlton, Matthew, Michael M.

Gerard, Jamielee, Erika

Ian, Steven, Darren

Kiara, David, Anthony J.

Suly, Everardo, Michael B.

Ibn, Michael F.


As always, let me know if you have questions.
~Prof. L


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Frisbee Flick

This video is on how to throw a frisbee forehand style.  All you need to accomplish this is a frisbee.First position your thumb on top of the frisbee, your pointer finger goes in the center on the bottom of the frisbee and your middle finger is put on the edge of the bottom of the frisbee.  Next, you must take your stance.  This first move is to step out with your right foot (if you are a righty) or your left foot (if you are a lefty).  The video shows both how you are supposed to look from behind and from the side.  Next your arm must go through the correct motion.  Bring your arm back and in a motion with your elbow leading flick the frisbee off of your fingers.  A very important fact that the video talks about is not to put any force on your wrist all of the power will naturally come from your shoulder.  Be sure to rotate your body and have your palm facing up on release.

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How to Ollie on a Skateboard

Skateboarding is one of the most well known extreme and individual sports out there and being able to maneuver with your skateboard regardless of the obstacle is always an amazing feat to achieve. An ollie on a skateboard is one of the very first basic tricks to learn when first starting to ride a skateboard, it is also fundamental and the gateway to other more advanced tricks. The very basics of an ollie starts with the foot positioning which is basically aligning your feet parallel from each other where your back foot is towards the edge of the tail and having the front foot planted in the middle of the board so that you have balance. The next step to doing an ollie is to pop the tail of the board as hard as you can with your back foot and then dragging or sliding your front foot towards the bolts near your board’s nose so as to bring the back side of your board off the ground.

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Notes from today, and homework for next week

Today we discussed methods and styles for the documentation of practices and processes: how it works, what it is, how it works, why it is important, and what unintended consequences or issues might arise. Many of you posted very relevant and informative (not to mention entertaining) videos that document the process of performing a task. If you posted a link to a YouTube video, feel free to edit your post to embed the video by copying the short embed URL into your post. You can find this URL under the Share button  just below the video.

On Monday, April 30, my colleague Professor Densmore of the library will conduct a research paper workshop, so please come prepared with either a printed version of your draft in progress, or an electronic version you can access easily, like as an email attachment. The final research paper is due in one week, on Wednesday, May 2.

As always, please get in touch with any questions you have about the research paper or about my comments or suggested edits.

Slides from today are available here.

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The noisiest “How To” ever!!!!

About two semesters ago I took a class in Effective Speaking. One of our projects was to give a demonstrative speech. This speech had to be completed in five minutes leaving you time for a questions and answers segment following immediately after. After a considerable time I came up with the idea to do a “how to” on balloon animals. After all it was second nature to me and I had done it for years in a past life. So I acquired all the supplies I would need to make this both effective and enjoyable to my fellow classmates.

So along came the day and yes it was my turn to present. Now be mindful that I included class participation by supplying everyone with balloons for this venture professor and all. I started my presentation describing the materials to be used the 260Q balloons theballoon hand pump and so on. Then it was time to begin. After demonstrating how to blow and tie one up. We proceeded to twisting and tying it into or creating a dog. I never anticipated the noise associated with having 20 participants twist and tie balloons along with me. So I had to improvise by shouting to the top of my voice. This noise attracted people from the corridors and other classrooms as well. It was chaos. I did however get my message across from inflating to twisting to sculpting. The Professor declared it to be the most rambunctious presentation she has ever had. The Q and A that followed was overwhelming involving total class participation. In my handout I included an instructional video from YouTube by Malik Haddadi a local balloon artist he starts his presentation very focused but soon assumes the audience is somewhat savvy to his thoughts and begins to leave out important steps. You be the judge. And if you take that “Effective Speaking” class remember never do balloons…….

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How to make grill cheese.

This is something everyone can do if they have the necessary ingredients. How to make grill cheese. If you are hungry for a snack and want to make something simple and takes no less then 3 minutes, then follow these procedure. First heat up the stove to medium and place a pan on the stove. While the pan heats up get 2 slices of bread and butter one side on each slice. When the pan is all heated up place the slice of bread, the butter side, on the pan. Then place a slice of cheese or 2 on top of the bread being heated. Soon after you have played the cheese place the other slice with the buttered side on the top. In no more that one minute, flip the bread with a spatula or which ever way you prefer. The bottom should be nice and brown with no burns. While the other side heats lower the heat. Because in no more than one minute the other side will be ready.

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Process documentation

I bake about once a week in my house.  I like trying new things so of usually search for a new recipe online. First you need  to look over the recipe to make sure you have the neccesssary ingredients. If you dont have everything you’ll have to make a quick run to the store. If you do have everything, great your ready to start baking. You’ll start off by preheating your oven to , most cookies and cakes are baked at 350 degrees.Then you’ll grease your pan and put it to the side, so thats its ready when the batter is prepared.  Most recipes have you mix the dry ingrdients with the dry and the wet ingrdients with the wet and then have you combine them together. But it’s importatnt to follow the reciepe your trying to make, because it may differ for a specific reason. Once you’ve mixed everything you’ll place it in the oven, half way through the designated cooking time you should turn the pan so it could bake more evenly. Once its done you’ll want to let it cool before trying to remove it from the pan otherwise it’ll fall apart. You’ll also wanty to let it cool for about an hour before you start decorating.

When baking there are a few important things to keep in mind. Baking is actually a bit more complicated then cooking. It’s more of a science, if you dont have the correct proportions of leavening agents such as baking soda or yeast the your cake or bread wont rise, it’ll just be flat and probably dense . Another difference is when your cooking you can taste as you go and if you have your food in the pan and you realize you forgot a seasoning you can just through it in the panand its no big deal. When your baking ane realize you forgot an ingredient you cant take out a half baked cake or cookie and add that ingredient to it. That being said its great to be creative when decorating but uts important not to deviate to far fropm a recipe because it may it turn it bad.

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Dog’s Toenails:”How-to” trim safely

Process documentation is everywhere we see. From the instructions you have in a new product to an aircraft checklist on how to operate your aircraft at different phases of flight. Instructions are all around us. There are even procedures for taking care or a dog and a cat, and in cases it is very important because doing so in a bad way will actually hurt your animal. I remember having to follow procedures on how to properly take care of the animals toenails.  I remember having to do this with my Doberman and later on with a cat and a Cocker Spaniel. Some were patient in letting me cut their nails and others were not so cooperative but you must be patient and wait till they settle down as trying to attempt to cut a nail while they are moving can lead to an injury.


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How To Change a Flat Tire

I figured this could come in handy for anyone that drives a vehicle. A flat tire can happen anywhere and to anyone but if you know how to address the situation it makes things more efficient and avoids panic. The steps begin with the individual pulling the vehicle slowly to a safe spot, (usually a shoulder on the road.  Secure you vehicle by putting the car in “park” and apply the emergency brake (Parking Brake) as an additional precaution. Once this is done, locate your spare tire, depending on the vehicle it may be under the car rear or at the bottom of a trunk well underneath the trunk board. Follow your manual on how to remove the spare and necessary tools. Check your spare tire’s pressure to ensure it will be reliable. Next you want to place the jack under the car so it will lift care by frame and not a weak region. (the manual will indicate where to place jack). Once this is done, you may remove the lug nuts from the flat tire. Use the tire iron to loosen the lug nuts or if you need more leverage use your foot. Placing the flat tire away from the vehicle, you now can put the spare on. After the spare is on, put the lug nuts on tightening them by hand. once you lower the car back to the ground with the spare already on, you want to tighten the lugs nuts further with the tire iron. Put the old flat tire back in the trunk and take to nearest tire repair show.

Replacing a Flat Tire

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