Frisbee Flick

This video is on how to throw a frisbee forehand style.  All you need to accomplish this is a frisbee.First position your thumb on top of the frisbee, your pointer finger goes in the center on the bottom of the frisbee and your middle finger is put on the edge of the bottom of the frisbee.  Next, you must take your stance.  This first move is to step out with your right foot (if you are a righty) or your left foot (if you are a lefty).  The video shows both how you are supposed to look from behind and from the side.  Next your arm must go through the correct motion.  Bring your arm back and in a motion with your elbow leading flick the frisbee off of your fingers.  A very important fact that the video talks about is not to put any force on your wrist all of the power will naturally come from your shoulder.  Be sure to rotate your body and have your palm facing up on release.

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