Media In The Digital Age – Pavlik

When we discussed in class that not too many newspapers and magazines are quick to try new means of publications and writing, I think that the statistic was an old one. The reason why I say this is because that definitely isn’t the case today in 2012. Maybe the newspapers were slow at accepting this initially but now, according to Pavlik’s article, it seems they have absorbed it with open arms. There is so many channels now through which one can post virtually anything on the web. I personally think its great that individuals can easily speak their minds and be heard.

Getting back to Pavlik’s article, news organizations have absorbed this new phenomena when I read that they even use “lay citizens” as a reliable source of obtaining images and footage that enforces a story that the news may be working on. This new method of obtaining material does help get news to the public quickly and doesn’t leave much room for editing, which makes it harder for things to be censored. This is a good thing as people can get the REAL story instead of one that newspapers can put a spin on. Its amazing how technology has made “gatekeeping” almost obsolete.

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Pavlik, Media In The Digital Age

Pavlik’s “Media In The Digital Age” talks about how much freedom everyone is getting through the invention and the usage of the “World Wide Web” or the Internet. Virtually anyone can be what and who they want to be over the internet and this is a huge part of the freedom in Pavlik’s writing. The internet in a nutshell is the world’s biggest user-based virtual community, given the fact that everyone can upload their own information, may it be videos, music, or just interests through sites such as Wikipedia or social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. But there will also be “downsides” to this type of system only because just about anyone can be or pretend to be someone they are not or even steal someone’s identity entirely for evil conducts and misuse. But regardless of the downsides of too much freedom the internet is still moderated to the degree that these downsides are kept to a minimal state so as to not affect lives of normal people like you and me.

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Media In The Digital Age

Now our days anybody can be a producer and post anything on the internet as much as they please on what they saw regarding a movie, blog, or show. Everybody is a producer once you think about it the way technology is expanding is very interesting and very unique for the younger generation. We have become so aware and alert about what is going on with the media and we post our concerns and comments either on Facebook, Twitter, or post a video about it on YouTube. When we post things on YouTube or any other website we want people’s opinions on what they think or feel about our post regarding on what we think and feel about things. We even post our own video’s up to try to enter contests so we can win money and become popular so people can remember what we said and did. Even when we search on Yahoo and Google we see different things that are being posted up by different people and it could be false information which we defiantly have to be careful about doing.

If you post certain things up on the internet for people to see we could be giving them false information and they could go ahead and be taking the wrong advice. Sometimes you have to be careful by trying not to offend people as well with comments that we say or video’s that we post on the internet. Being a producer on the web and connecting with the media is very easy for all of us to do, but we just have to be wise about it and do it in the correct way.


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The Digital Age

With the creation of the World Wide Web, it is becoming increasingly easier for a person to post whether it being a video, audio, or text, about something of interest. In terms of the news, news reporters no longer have to be on the scene because their audience can simply record or capture a picture of the incident and send it to the web; making the reporter’s job a whole lot easier, all while keeping their audience entertained. So, nowadays, posting news online can spread like wildfire, in the sense that people will immediately know what’s going on. As newspapers become more advanced, the way they see it, their audience will continue with the demands of making videos online. In addition, people who may have comments towards something they have seem online can comment on it, and respond to an earlier post. While this may all be exciting, I think with the capability of posting comments, it could go out of hand, and people might get physical online; tormenting other viewers. So, while this new media is inviting, it could be a call for catastrophe.

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Media in the Digital Age

In Pavlik’s “Media in the Digital Age” he discusses how we’ve seen a shift in producers of content in not just one but several types of media, the World Wide Web is credited for this shift. It used to be that publishers acted as the “gate keepers” essentially only publishing what was in demand, this would ensure that they made a profit. Since the creation of the World Wide Web, the power is now at the finger tips of any one with Internet access. All you need is the desire to do so. A write can post there writings up without having to worry about with there publishers will say. A unsigned musician can easily put up songs for a broad range of people to listen too, and may even earn themselves a fan base in doing so. A non profit organization can put up video’s with little out of pocket cost and gain donations and volunteers. So weather its print, TV, or audio anyone can be a producer.

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Notes from today, and readings and blogging for Wednesday, February 15

Today we discussed print and digital alternative media and alternative publishing and welcomed a guest lecture about zines from Prof. Susan Thomas of Long Island University.

On Wednesday, February 15 we’ll discuss non-text media: sound, images, multimedia. Please read Pavlik pp. 79-84, Malitz, Radiohead’s ‘Rainbows’, and Elton, “Love for Labels.” Your blogging assignment is to write one reading response post.

If you did not get a copy of the Pavlik reading in class, the book is on reserve at the library’s circulation desk. You’ll need the call number:
HM851 .P38 2008
There is a preview of the Pavlik book on Google Books as well.

Slides from today are available here.

*Update* – Slides from Prof. Thomas’s talk on zines are now on the Slides page of the blog. *Second update* – the bibliography of books on zines is also now on the Slides page.


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pavlik “media in the digital age”

Pavlik message about media and how it distinguishes global communication with different mediums explains the photographers goal in reporting. Broadcaster developed the camera through Mr. Morse’s idea of the daguerreotype. The invention shameless of storytelling helped pave the way for media specialist like reporters and photographers to develop a communication that allows the audience to be informed better. The improvement is like digital media where the transformation of print media relied on audience acceptance pertaining to wants, like, needs, and hope. The hope that Mr. Morse found in the daguerreotype was of that significance to the reader of those early photographs. The audience needed a sense of visual presentation it allowed for more words to be evaluated in the response of an article. It allowed a predestined affect for the reader like his wants and needs had been finally true. And the reporters job had become easier by the technology. I wonder if digital cameras are of that importance in today’s broadcast. Do we need microscopic lenses to see dna cells? Is it what the reporter speaks of through his passion of information?

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Zines are like writers to canvas

Probabably a preamble to bloging with some differences , zines popularity soared some twenty years ago. These publications are to the writers be it one person or a small group, have some times been described as a labor of love. Profit is never a motive here . It is more a passion to share the writer’s oppinion and creativity to a certain group of readers . In some of the more serious contributions, first amendment rights are not supressed here .In other words there is no editor censoring or stiffeling your creativity.There is no advertisers whose interests you might offend. Also no corporations to toe the line for. Its just you , meaning the writer and the gateway to creativity. Grammatical errors are frequent and not frowned upon, also there is a lack of uniformity that is the creator.This work does not have to be perfect nor is it sanitized. If it is, it might be that its creator is OCD or is doing a Zine for people with that condition. (laugh). Hopefully Zines are here to stay. Make it your business to seek one out. One that appeals to your interests . Subscibe and keep this little known culture alive.

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In the article “The History and Characteristics of Fanzines” by Fred Wright common folk like you and me write, illustrate, and review comic works of science fiction and other literature like media, films, and music. We articulate and display gratitude … Continue reading

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fanzines to zines


The History and
Characteristics of Zines
by Fred Wright

Reading this article I couldn’t help but notice the similarities of fanzines and zines to today’s forums and blogs. It seems that fanzines are in the late 1920s-30s what today is a forum or blog. Yes the initial interest revolved around science fiction subject matter but when fanzines made the transition to zines it was because people evolved to other interests and wanted to communicate with each other. The example they used was a fan base to “Murder Can Be Fun” or some random subject that would be otherwise hard to justify as being a fan of. With the zines, it started out with irregularly published low budget pieces of writing which utilized cheapest of technologies at the time. In my opinion that’s the case with blogging, all you need is internet access and keyboard which even if you don’t own, you can readily access in school or cyber-pubs for practically loose change. And when in the 1920s 30s people posted addresses and started communicating with each other they formed a network, which to me seems we do with forums. Its interesting to see that after fanzines evolved, they had to be broadened in meaning and renamed to zines because of how different yet similar they were to their original predecessors. And like than, the zines and fanzines are evolving as well, is tweeting the new evolution?  People with similar interests  update and communicate practically “real time” on subjects that interest them? Is this a foreshadow of the direction in which we are evolving our zines to?

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