
As college students, now equipped with necessary tools to put our assignments and our lives into some organized manner. We are still in a quandary as to the first step. It is no big discovery that we now live in a time when information is as ubiquitous and is comparable to some of the deities that so many of us believe in. It is somewhat impossible to think of the lengths our predecessors  went through to to give us a wealth of knowledge “old school” as compared to just typing into a search window.

In the future, would these new geniuses enjoy the timeless acclamation that Leonardo Da Vinci, Roddenberry, Michelangelo and Plato to name just a few now enjoy? I honestly think so. As graduates of a tertiary education our skills would be utilized in many different ways. perhaps through presentations on the job, researching and authoring proposals, are just two important possibilities. On a more personal note this resource has thought me to be more effective and constructive in argumentative discussions with my peers. So I welcome a future ripe with information. There is no resistance from me in which direction it takes, “infobesity” can only make us smarter per capita as we evolve progressively as a people.

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Final Blog Post

I think the web has done an incredible job at allowing a vast amount information to be easily accessible to anyone with internet access. What I see as still being a problem is deciding on whether a source is reliable or not. Part of this problem is the fact that everyone has access and the ability to in put information on the web freely. Perhaps when someone does a search the results can be sorted in some sort of way that shows how credible a source is. Hopefully time will be able to resolve this issue.  I absorbs information on a daily basis many times I don’t realize it.

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Countdown to the online documentation project & presentations

Next week each group will present their online documentation project. If you have questions about any aspects of the assignments, please get in touch or refer to the project guidelines and presentation guidelines.

Groups will present in the following order:

Monday, May 21:
Gerard, Jamielee, Erika
Carlton, Matthew, Michael M.
Itohan, Anthony C., Liza
Suly, Everardo, Michael B.

Wednesday, May 23:
Ian, Steven, Darren
Ibn, Michael F.
Kiara, David, Anthony J.

Wednesday, May 16 is Reading Day and classes are cancelled. Groups are free to work in the library’s e-classroom during our regular class meeting time; I’ll be here starting around 9:30. If your group wants to rehearse your presentation in the e-classroom, please get in touch and we’ll figure out a time that works for all.

If you did not submit the blog post due today, you have another 24 hours (until Tuesday 5/15/ at 10 a.m.) to receive credit for it. Please write a 100 word blog post that addresses the following questions:

What do you see as the future of information? What challenges and opportunities will this future bring? How do you see yourself continuing to use information in the future, in college, in life, at work?

Good luck, everyone! Hope to see many of you on Wednesday.

~Prof. L.

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Information of the future


 In the future, I see information still the same as it is now. Now, information is still growing from every single detail and will not stop. Information in the future might be newly organized however, I don’t think it will stop growing. Challenge that I believe the future will bring is how will the world handle so mug information when people will start to argue against them. Opportunities that the future might hold is that more information will allow most questions asked today possible to answer. And the future also presents an opportunity for job hunting or applying information to the area of work done. I see myself using information for research in college, to write paper, answer some personal question I might have and if I get a job, I’ll use information provide to use in what I must do.

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The One

Any conversation that involves the future of information must discuss the future of the Internet for information in itself is nothing. It is the sharing of information or the lack there of which gives information its power. Information has been controlled and coveted by different groups since the time of the Pharos. So where does that leave us? I think that we´re on the cusp of a new age. One which may or may not be so bright, informationally speaking. Does the net provide us with freedom of information or just a system of control? Just who are the gatekeepers of the World Wide Web and how much control do they exercise over what we can access? One could probably write a book on the subject or, at least a good screen play. As for me I will continue to use the tools and skill acquired in this class to enhance my research and writings and maybe, someday answer some of my own questions. 

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The future of Information

Information in the future will seem to be like magic to the way we access it today. Holographic, cloud based, biologically implanted, we may have RAM chips added to our natural brain matter with hardwired information. These are just examples of information storage and usage. As for information itself it may even become its own language in the fact that you must speak bibliographically to gain what you want. Verbally accessing thru vocal interfaces. Still information will literally be in the air around us and for us to acquire it we must follow the technology for our ability to access it will be tied to it.

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Future of Information

I honestly see the future of information changing drastically in the next five to ten years to come because there is something new being changed everyday. No matter how much we actually attempt to stay up to date with something, there is something that will come out and you will have to learn that as well to stay up to date. As far as now, this has opened many different opportunities for me by helping me receive a better understanding of the researching part of papers or anything I might need to look up in the future. I see myself using this in the near future because I plan on exploring new jobs and one of them will be working with animals so I need to be able to look up everything I can and efficient with that as well.

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Information in the Future

It’s hard to predict the future of information given its ever changing nature: bits and pieces are removed or updated or even added to the growing pool of knowledge and the only thing that can be said for sure is that it will continue to grow. Information is the product of the learning experience and it is not going to stop anytime soon.

There are, no doubt, countless opportunities that the expansion of information will bring: after all, those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. And sometimes the past can provide answers to current problems – but only if people know it. But this seems like a small thing compared to the obvious problem: just how much information should be shared? Case in point: confidential information. What could be considered confidential?

Using information cannot be limited to just school, college or work. Even a simple thing such as looking at a restaurant menu or following instructions from a how-to video on Youtube is using information – it’s no longer limited to the stigma of just research with people wearing lab coats or going to the dark corners of the library where thick layers of dust cake the forgotten knowledge of yesterday (no offense, professor!).

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The Future of Information

What i see as the future of information is the use of technology, as we know technology is being used all over the world in different states, and countries. Especially the use of computers, cell phones and more. We use technology for different reasons, it can also be used in movies that we love to see as soon as something hit theaters or have already seen. The way they use technology in films is so great and catches millions of people’s eyes all over the world on how they did it and used it to make something to be such a great hit. Computers and cell phones are a challenge to all of us because now in this day and age we depend heavily on them to help us with school, traveling using GPS, how to create something for our jobs at work, and more. It wouldn’t even surprise me if in the near future they come out with machines to help people cook, clean, and do other things.

Technology to me will be with us for now and forever even if we like it or not, but the most important thing that we all should know and learn is that we can learn from it and learn how to build on it for our own benefits in life. Technology can be our friend but only if we let it and use it in the right way, it will always be with us forever. I want to learn how to be a film producer one day and i pray i will get there soon, because with all of this technology that is surrounding me i hope to use it very wisely to have a good and successful future.



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About next week, and a prompt for your final blog post

Next week we officially meet on Monday, May 14 only. Classes are cancelled on Wednesday, May 16 for Reading Day, but the library’s e-classroom will be open for groups to meet and work together.

Presentations will take place on Monday, May 21 and Wednesday, May 23 in the library’s e-classroom, A540. Groups will present in the following order:
Monday, May 21:
Gerard, Jamielee, Erika
Carlton, Matthew, Michael M.
Itohan, Anthony C., Liza
Suly, Everardo, Michael B.

Wednesday, May 23:
Ian, Steven, Darren
Ibn, Michael F.
Kiara, David, Anthony J.

If your group wishes to rehearse your presentation using the library’s e-classroom, please get in touch so we can schedule a time and date that works for everyone.

For Monday, May 14 please write one final 100-word blog post responding to this prompt:

What do you see as the future of information? What challenges and opportunities will this future bring? How do you see yourself continuing to use information in the future, in college, in life, at work?

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