Category Archives: Assignments

Search Engines

Search Engines are a compilation of databases of information managed by millions to billions of people throughout the world — at least that’s how I thought they basically worked for everyone. That is until it was presented in class that … Continue reading

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Badke Chapter 3:Database Searching With Keywords and Hierarchies

As Badke stated in his reading “A database is any collection of data that can be retrieved using organized search procedures.” I like what i was reading in this chapter because i always use Google to search for information that … Continue reading

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So is copyright a good thing or a bad thing? In my opinion, I agree the copyright should last long for some materials like Star Wars. Because if they didn’t have years of protection then someone else will come along, … Continue reading

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When i first came across the word Copyright when i was younger, i always thought that it meant that you have the right to film or write a book about something that you came up with yourself. I guess i … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading, viewing and blogging for Monday, March 5

Today we discussed plagiarism and academic misconduct from both academic/educational perspectives and “real-world” perspectives. Though we did not have time to watch it in class, I encourage you all to view Katie Couric’s interview with Jayson Blair. See today’s slides … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging for Wednesday 2/29

Today we discussed some of the legal and social aspects of privacy as well as how our understanding and expectations of privacy change depending on the context. Here’s a question I did not get a chance to ask you all: … Continue reading

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Is Online Privacy Really Private?

We all know that online privacy has a large gray area of what’s usually seen and what’s not. And we all know too well that our online privacy isn’t really private because anyone with the right programs and technological skills … Continue reading

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One thing that i learn about the web is that anything you do is never private. Privacy on web pages is just saying that they’ll hide info from others that visit the same website and can view your profile. But … Continue reading

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