Monthly Archives: February 2012

The World Wide Web: Facts or Opinions.

Well would you look at that. Something that sides with my thoughts of the internet today and how it has become a huge source of manipulation. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the internet but as far as research … Continue reading

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The world web of information. The one armed bandit.

We see that there are many ways of showing information. The history of technology to bring the news and information has literally exploded onto us. From the invention of the first pictures to accompany print in newspapers around 1853 to … Continue reading

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Common Crafts Videos

I found Common Crafts video “Blogs in Plain English” to be quite truthful. People nowadays not only put news out their on blogs, but blogs in general, substitute how a person informs people on things that would interest them. In … Continue reading

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Blogs: The End of the “Gatekeepers”?

Blogs. They’re everywhere in the Internet and cover a wide-range of topics of interest, ranging from food to sports to news (either locally – based on where the blogger lives – or international headlines that the blogger deems to be … Continue reading

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New Technology and the Media: Friend or Foe?

Throughout history there has always been worry with the connection between “new technology” and “the media”.  When something new goes public, media leaders must decide if this idea or object will be good or bad for them.  According to Pavlik, … Continue reading

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Pavlik, J (2008). Media in Digital Age.

Technology has made a big change in life. It is used all over the world by everyone and it has became an every day life basis use. I myself use technology all day long whether it’s my cellphone or using … Continue reading

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What’s All the Hubbub Buddy?

After doing the readings I noticed that both were published in 2008 and thus where somewhat outdated. The technology of the Net moves so fast that that they where probably outdated a year after they where written. For example; all … Continue reading

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Common Crafts Videos (Wikis in Plain English)

Watching the video made me realize that there is more to “Wiki” than just being a big ball of information, the video taught me a new way of communicating with friends as well as an alternate source to e-mail and … Continue reading

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primary and secondary sources

Reading from our textbook, the section on primary and secondary source caught my attention. I was hoping that the author William Badke would elaborate further on how to distinguish a source of writing as a primary or a secondary. I … Continue reading

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Pavlik,J Media in the digital age

Technology is used all over the world as we know, and we are all fascinated by it. I love going on the internet to search on the internet, check my email, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. Technology is everywhere even on … Continue reading

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