Monthly Archives: February 2012

pavlik “media in the digital age”

Pavlik message about media and how it distinguishes global communication with different mediums explains the photographers goal in reporting. Broadcaster developed the camera through Mr. Morse’s idea of the daguerreotype. The invention shameless of storytelling helped pave the way for … Continue reading

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Zines are like writers to canvas

Probabably a preamble to bloging with some differences , zines popularity soared some twenty years ago. These publications are to the writers be it one person or a small group, have some times been described as a labor of love. … Continue reading

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In the article “The History and Characteristics of Fanzines” by Fred Wright common folk like you and me write, illustrate, and review comic works of science fiction and other literature like media, films, and music. We articulate and display gratitude … Continue reading

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fanzines to zines

  The History and Characteristics of Zines by Fred Wright Reading this article I couldn’t help but notice the similarities of fanzines and zines to today’s forums and blogs. It seems that fanzines are in the late 1920s-30s what today … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading & blogging for Wednesday 2/8

Today we discussed the landscape of digital media, including “born digital” content, differences between digital and print media, media ownership, and blogs and wikis. On Wednesday, we’ll discuss alternative print and electronic media and welcome a guest lecturer, Prof. Susan … Continue reading

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digital vs print

According to the web 2.0 article it seems that since the web continues to grow at an exponential rate, publicists have started to question if its wise to continue printing various literature. Its cheaper and quicker for magazines and books … Continue reading

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According to the video, Blogs in Plain English, anyone can be a blogger. they can blog about their interest or whatever they want like writing into a diary. In the video Wikis in Plain English, it explains how just about … Continue reading

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In Medieval times or before, the ones who stood sentry outside the gates were the first casualties. They also served as a warning to us of impeeding danger, a valuable sacrifice for our safety. If we fast forward to present … Continue reading

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Blogs & Wikis Common Crafts

The World Wide Web has many forms of communications and ways to let certain information out for the public to view, but one form, in my opinion, should be used differently. Wikis are not so big in spreading out to … Continue reading

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The Internet Today

What’s interesting in, Read:Write, by Mary Harrington and Chris Meade, is how technology is constantly growing and businesses are using the internet and digital media as a form of communication whether it is previously recorded with visual and verbal information or … Continue reading

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