Monthly Archives: February 2012

Free at last, Free at last….but for how long?

Free books, free newspapers, free movies, free music, free, free, free and if it’s free, it’s for me. gobble it up; eat by our fill. When your about to burst, take a deep breath, loosen the belt a notch and … Continue reading

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Media in the Digital Age, Pavlik

The evolution of media and technology has evolved extremely. Just like what Pavlik says in his journal, society is the new newspaper. We as a society use the internet to spread a not so detailed. Whether it’s through blogs, emails … Continue reading

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Record Companies Disappearing?

Music today has been flowing out from the World Wide Web by the millions and some artists have been found because of it. Most of them have recorded their songs themselves to get their best out to the public and … Continue reading

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Media in the Digital Age

Television is not what it used to be.  I say this, because of the attention many networks bring to themselves.  Pavlik states that the censorship that some stations have such as Arts & Entertainment (A&E), Home Box Office (HBO) and … Continue reading

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Media In The Digital Age – Pavlik

When we discussed in class that not too many newspapers and magazines are quick to try new means of publications and writing, I think that the statistic was an old one. The reason why I say this is because that … Continue reading

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Pavlik, Media In The Digital Age

Pavlik’s “Media In The Digital Age” talks about how much freedom everyone is getting through the invention and the usage of the “World Wide Web” or the Internet. Virtually anyone can be what and who they want to be over … Continue reading

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Media In The Digital Age

Now our days anybody can be a producer and post anything on the internet as much as they please on what they saw regarding a movie, blog, or show. Everybody is a producer once you think about it the way … Continue reading

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The Digital Age

With the creation of the World Wide Web, it is becoming increasingly easier for a person to post whether it being a video, audio, or text, about something of interest. In terms of the news, news reporters no longer have … Continue reading

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Media in the Digital Age

In Pavlik’s “Media in the Digital Age” he discusses how we’ve seen a shift in producers of content in not just one but several types of media, the World Wide Web is credited for this shift. It used to be … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and readings and blogging for Wednesday, February 15

Today we discussed print and digital alternative media and alternative publishing and welcomed a guest lecture about zines from Prof. Susan Thomas of Long Island University. On Wednesday, February 15 we’ll discuss non-text media: sound, images, multimedia. Please read Pavlik … Continue reading

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