Monthly Archives: February 2012

Martins “Politics of Research”

Martins “The Politics of Research” brings to light the sad but true way of how the world operates, money makes the world go around. At the end of the day the only thing that big corporations are concerned about is … Continue reading

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The Politics of Research

Off the bat, I disliked the idea of those economists disregarding anyone who opposes to their ideologies simply because everything someone receives; it being negative or not is constructive, and is there as a guideline to improve. The idea that … Continue reading

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Research And It’s Politics

When the topic was first introduced, I interpreted it as the “behind the scenes” of general research. What I mean by that is the issues from social or governmental parties that may get involved, how research is taught to others, what is … Continue reading

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Social Media

Social networking has taken over most if us individuals. It is surprising how many people from the instant they wake up or before they go to sleep, their so.addicted that they have to check the web, whether its their email, … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging assignments for tomorrow, February 22

Today we wrapped up the section of the course surveying the Information Landscape with a discussion on Web 2.0, participatory media, and the Semantic Web. We’re moving into Issues in Information and Media next, and tomorrow we’ll discuss access: personal … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Matrix

  Many have tried to coin the term Web 2.0. Although there have been advances in technology for the medium there is no set way to associate it with that term. Whereas the ability to interact is associated more closely … Continue reading

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Two Scoops of Social Media Please

Today it has been so easy to voice your opinion and share what you feel to the world.  In the video, Social Media in Plain English, the town of Scoopsville was always known for their ice cream, this represents the … Continue reading

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So you use Wiki huh?

Wikipedia. What comes to your mind as soon as you hear that word? A wonderful place to find out all the information you need on any topic you must know of. Better yet, a place where you can add your … Continue reading

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Social Media & Networking

From the past times to the times of today, people used to either write mail, call up each others phone, or just go visit one another, just to conversate on a certain topic, and now do it ever so differently. … Continue reading

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“participatory Web”

It is interesting to see how the web has evolved and continues to do so into this web 2.0 concept. I agree that an interactive web is the next generation compared to web 1.0 where you were only able to … Continue reading

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