Welcome to the Matrix


Many have tried to coin the term Web 2.0. Although there have been advances in technology for the medium there is no set way to associate it with that term. Whereas the ability to interact is associated more closely with it. Not only in social media such as Facebook, MySpace and others but also in networking examples such as LinkedIn, Match.com. There are also the gaming aspects which they do not mention in the Wikipedia article. Case in point MMORPGs are the popular flavor of the day. Second life is both social media, gaming and educational. This melding of all three gives a look into what we create ourselves. Darcy DiNucci coined the term  “Web 2.0 “first in her article Fragmented future and she stated “The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an embryo of the Web to come.”  That simple statement shows the potential of how far we can and will take the web experience. Already we have seen the fruits of Web 3.0 coming to life. The Futurist John Smart stated that Web 3.0’s most defining characteristic will be the mass diffusion of NTSC-or-better quality open video to TVs, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, a time when “the internet swallows the television.” We see that today with Hulu Plus, Netflix and other services some free and some paid that are out there for use. The ability to port media to our smartphones and tablets and gaming systems, TV’s that have internet capability with wireless and Ethernet ports. Web 3.0 is already taking a big gulp of television (and other media) and smaking its lips for more.

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