MAT1375 Precalculus, Spring 2024

Lee | D379 | Spring 2024

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Midsemester Grades

Hello class,

You should observe that there is a “Check Your Grade” Widget at the side of the page. I have posted your current results. I have also added “Check Your Grade” in the menu under Course Info.

If you do not see your grade, then it is because you do not have an OpenLab account or have not joined the class OpenLab site with the account.

By the way, I’m rather angry at seeing the lack of WeBWorK completed by the class. Most of you had two weeks to fix your average 35% WeBWorK grade… which remember is 25% of your final grade. If you choose to fail the class based off your WeBWorK grade, then it really, really sucks that you had to learn that lesson in this class.

News: Test 3

Hello class,

It is important to remind you all that WeBWorK counts for 25% of your overall class grade. That means if you produce zero WeBWorK over the course of the semester, your maximum grade can only go up to a C… and that is with 100% on every test.

Speaking of tests, our second test is going to take place on Monday, May 6th. Please bring a TI-84+ calculator, as it is a requirement for the test. You will also not receive a test paper unless you submit your internet-enabled electronic devices (phones, smartwatches, Google glasses,etc. )

In order to adequately prepare for the test, I have a few resources that should help you prepare.

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