Test 1 Corrections

Hello all,

Professor Lee here to talk test correction policy.

  • Test corrections will be due Monday, November 1, 2021.
  • Test corrections in total will be worth up to 50% of points not earned on the Exam 1.
  • If you answered a problem incorrectly on Exam 1, you are to do it over on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Corrections which are incorrect will receive no credit, despite work done. I will also not give credit for correct answers with no work. As a result, it would be in your best interest to check that your answers are correct, with all work completed

There is math tutoring all over City Tech. There will be a small bonus if you return the exam corrections with a verification slip from a program within City Tech. As a bonus, they can help you check your work also.

Professor Lee will be tutoring

Be sure to also check with Fahmeda Khanom. She’s here to help you also. Her times are
Monday: 11am-12pm
Thursday: 3pm-4pm


Professor Lee

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