Communication Design Theory

COMD3504 - Section OL10 - Spring 2021

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Assignment 10b for April 26

The first item to complete for April 26 is your second 2-3 page paper (See Assignment 10a).

Once this is completed there are two new readings for next week. The readings are essentially unrelated to the paper. It is recommended that you complete them after the paper. They are as follows:

Paul Rand, Good Design is Goodwill (1987): Rand_Goodwill

Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour & Robert Venturi, Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form (1972): Venturi_LasVegas

While there is not a written response to these particular texts, you will be expected to discuss them in class on the 11th. Please budget your time so that you can give proper attention to these readings.

Assignment 9

Etymology – the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. 

Polysemy – the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase.

Rudimentary – involving or limited to basic principles.

Imitari – Image has its roots in the Latin word imitari, meaning “to copy or imitate”.

Agglutination – the clumping of particles. The word agglutination comes from the Latin agglutinare. Agglutination is the process that occurs if an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody called isoagglutinin. This term is commonly used in blood grouping.

Connoted – imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.

Denoted – be a sign of; indicate.

Linguistics – the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics. 

Diegesis – a narrative or plot, typically in a movie.

Autonomous –  having the right or power of self-government an autonomous territory. b : undertaken or carried on without outside control : self-contained an autonomous school system. 

Anthropology – the study of human societies and cultures and their development. the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution.

Lexicon –  the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.

Assignment 9 for April 19

List of all important terms (so far):

. Two euphoric values; freshness of the product & the essential domestic products preparation.

. Second sign (more or less evident); bringing together figures, color, elements etc.

. Coherent whole; general cultural knowledge, imbued with euphoric values.

. Real objects in the scene; photographed objects, signifying in analogical representation, not arbitrary.

. Quasi-tautological; photograph involved, this transition is not a transformation

. Three messages offered by photograph; linguistic message, coded iconic message and non coded iconic message.

A little more context about Quasi-tautological and the three messages.

Or szyflingier_Assignment 9

Connoted – Figuratively- the use of word as its association and not necessarily based on the literal definition. 

Denoted– Literally- the literal meaning of a sign. /. Designate a sign. 

Priori– not basing the theory on observation or personal experience but on a general universal law within a reason. 

Ontology– a combination of concepts in a subject depicting their attributes and relations to one another. 

Metalanguage – multiple phrases, used to describe another language 

I am familiar with the text from Topics In Graphic Design. I read the article, but didn’t have any specific questions or thoughts. It is interesting how there is so much to say about the ad, design, and meaning of the picture itself. I wonder if people would have gotten the true meaning of the ad, and if that ad was success enough to increase sells.

Assignment 9





Combinatory system

Rudimentary system




What is a signified and the process of signification?

What is the roll of The connotators?

Assignment 9

The interpretation of “it is metonymy which furnishes the image with the greatest number of its connotators, and that among the parataxes (or syntagmatic figures), it is asyndeton which predominates”, can mean that an image has many implications as well as the text that follows that implication of the image. However, straightforward text  that is “asyndeton” it does not use conjunction words like “and” because it helps text to stand out more. 

Paradigmatic expresses metony because it is similar in the sense of describing a concept or the perception on how you look at things.

Was the overall message of the essay about how “A picture is worth a thousand words”?

Metonymy- is the use of a linked term to stand in for an object or concept. Sometimes metonymy is chosen because it’s a well-known characteristic of the concept. 

Connotations-an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

Parataxes– the placing of clauses or phrases one after another, without words to indicate coordination or subordination.

Syntagmatic- relation is a type of sematic relations between words that co‐occur in the same sentence or text.

 Paradigmatic-relation is a different type of sematic relations between words that can be substituted with another word in the same categories.

Asyndeton -is a writing style where conjunctions are omitted in a series of words, phrases or clauses.

Polysemy -the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase.

Linguistic sign– are bilateral, i.e. every linguistic sign has two aspects which are inseparably connected: the sound sequence (signifier) on the level of expression, and the concept (signified) on the level of meaning.

Denoted– be a sign of; indicate. Signify .

Barbarisms-nonstandard word, expression or pronunciation in a language.

Idiolects-is an individual’s distinctive and unique use of language, including speech. This unique usage encompasses vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. An idiolect is the variety of language unique to an individual.

Lexicons-the complete set of meaningful units in a language.

Suprasegmental -also called prosodic feature, in phonetics, a speech feature such as stress, tone, or word juncture that accompanies or is added over consonants and vowels; these features are not limited to single sounds but often extend over syllables, words, or phrases.

Agglutinations-a grammatical process in which words are composed of a sequence of morphemes (meaningful word elements), each of which represents not more than a single grammatical category. This term is traditionally employed in the typological classification of languages.

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