Communication Design Theory

COMD3504 - Section OL10 - Spring 2021

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Assignment 1

In the readings, the authors think the role of design in society is to to bridge the gap between people and art, to inform everyday people of new information or developments taking place around them. The thing that separates design from other creative occupations is that in the design field, there are various different practices such as industrial design, engineering design, information design but they all have some overlapping design principles such as form, functionality and aesthetic.

Designer should concern themselves with hard, mind boggling theoretical questions because design is an ever changing field, and designers should not be afraid of learning new information, techniques and ideas. When it comes to technology, design has benefited from its advances. Designers are now creating content more freely and quickly. They also develop networks with other designer, where they share ideas theories and such. But with technology it may bring some issues.

Some urgent problems facing designers is making content that does not solve any issue, not just making art or design to look good. There should be a balance of function and looks. Designers should be responsible for solving these problems because design without function does not solve society communication issues and the more bad design present the bigger the issue becomes. Designers can solve this easily by knowing why they are designing something and who they are designing it for.

Assigment 1b

Design has unpredictably changed over time. What worked before might just be a different case today. A hundred years ago design was based on an artistic foundation that searched the meaning of client satisfaction and subjectivity through art and beauty. However, with the initiation of artists from the Bauhaus and Swiss schools, the design evolved into functionality and effectiveness rather than beauty which lead to a role change. Design is distinguishable from other fields for its profession and organization in the details and functionality to make life easier, happier and understandable.

It is not the case anymore for a designer to follow their own artistic instinct in a utopian creative road, but the reasoning to analyze and produce potential solutions to social problems with communication and utility with enhanced human interface. This means that designers have the responsibility to give the unsolvable theoretical questions a viable solution remarking its importance. At least technology has made this easier, by allowing designers to have a higher presence and exposure. Either they design for themselves or for enterprises, the impact is higher, easier and faster to produce. This also affects the way designers interact with each other leading to higher consciousness and creativity with the facility of sharing thoughts and ideas.

Although designers now have these amazing tools to get the task done successfully, the mist of the unknowledgeable still remains for many of us. Unrecognition is one of the problems that designers face especially with access to the internet where anything can be copied or stolen. It’s a designer’s problem and a designer’s responsibility to find a way to make this bearable. We have found our answer by standing together in our own community that critiques and motivate each other but also finds solutions.

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