Communication Design Theory

COMD3504 - Section OL10 - Spring 2021

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Assignment 6 – Salome Mindiashvili

For Jan Tschichold, the ultimate qualities of a design were clarity and objectivity. He advocated the New Typographic style which embodied sans-serif, flush-left ragged right and asymmetrical typography. He thought of ornamental, centered typography as something arcane and impure in the field of design and communications. Jan Tschichold regarded Baroque and Renaissance style designs as impractical and illogical for the visual senses. The central placement of decorated text was especially problematic in his observations as most Westerners read from left to right and the centered layout created real issues of readability and disrupted the natural flow of the visual communication. The function of a good design was communication and the logical sequence of the contents according to Jan Tschichold. In asymmetry, he saw the nature of modern times, the unlimited scope for variations and the design principle based on real-world application.

Josef Müller-Brockmann who came little after Jan Tschichold took the ideas of New Typography and placed them under the grid-based method of communications which according to Brockmann, resulted in the purest expression and universality. This type of design thinking was the expression of visual order, objectivity and mathematical thinking. I found this especially fascinating because I have always found mathematical (technical) thinking more familiar to design thinking than art and abstract expression. It is also fascinating to think that when processing visually based information, the processes in our brain are also very methodological and orderly and that is perhaps why, according to Brockmann, the grid was the answer to the question of design quality, clarity and objectivity. As a designer, in the past, I used to find the grid systems a little too constraining but as I have gained more experience, I have realized that the order within any design radiates attention to detail, coherence and simplicity.

Karl Gerstner who was one of the later pioneers of Typographic Style developed a far more methodological approach in the design field which suggested a model for design in the early days of the computer era. Gerstner created a “morphological box of the typogram” which breaks down certain expressive characteristics of typography by rows. By randomly combining these characteristics, one can generate a systematic yet creative output which is the result of his design programme. This algorithmic and systematic approach developed by Karl Gerstner is taking the design thinking to that level of practicality where the design process, the outcome and the application are all equal of importance.

assignemnt 6

according to tan tischold during the 20th century one should design with level and appearance and also with different arrangements.”We believe it is wrong to arrange a text as if there were some focal pointin the center of a line that would justify such an arrangement. Such pointsof course do not exist, because we read by starting at one side (Europeans forexample read from left to right, the Chinese from top to bottom and rightto left). Axial arrangements are illogical because the distance of the stressed,central parts from the beginning and end of the word sequences is not usually equal but constantly varies from line to line”. he believes that this statement is comparable to other languages but fails to realize not every language has different typography and differents ways reading writing and grammar.

with karl gerstener one should design typography with different elements of spacing and with different solutions. also as a designer there multiople ways to use and display type faces.”To describe the problem is part of the solution. This implies: not to make creative decisions as prompted by feeling but by intellectual criteria.The more exact and complete these criteria are, the more creative the
work becomes. The creative process is to be reduced to an act of selection.
Designing means: to pick out determining elements and combine them”. instead of having one solving probelms think of different aspects as well.

according to josef muller brockman one should design by using the grid and promoting. as of today i use adobe indesign which happens to have grids it gives me an understanding of how hierearchy works and also it can show oragnization.”The use of the grid as an ordering system is the expression of a certain mentalattitude inasmuch as it shows that the designer conceives his work in terms that are constructive and oriented to the future”. grids are very important we need to know how letters such as ascenders descenders are on grid to show different situations.

Assignment 6 for March 22

Our next reading assignment includes 3 short texts from designers who employed systematic approaches to their work. They are as follows:

Jan Tschichold, The New Typography (1928): Tschichold_NewTypo

Karl Gerstner, Designing Programmes (1964): Gerstner_DesigningProgrammes

Josef Müller-Brockmann, Grid and Design Philosophy (1981):  MullerBrockmann_Grid_Des-Phil

The prompt for this week is an overly simple one: According to Jan Tschichold, Karl Gerstner, and Josef Müller-Brockmann, How should one design?

For this one you can answer with 3-4 paragraphs, as usual, or you can create a visual response, incorporating text with design elements. If you choose the visual response, use the visual-linguistic ideas discussed in class and the systematic approach outlined in these texts to create your design, then upload a jpeg or pdf file.

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