Fairytales Photoshoot

For my fairytale photo shoot, I’d do Red Riding Hood. I have a black cape(I can look for a red one if that’s an issue) and take the photos upstate in my friends backyard. He lives in a woodsy area and he has a big pit bull I can use as my wolf. Dogs aren’t supper obedient so it might be easier to take separate photos of Red Riding Hood then some of the dog. But I will try and get the model and dog to pose together. 

One thought on “Fairytales Photoshoot

  1. Pete Labrozzi

    A black cape can work given the rest of the outfit is red, but it’s that color that makes it instantly recognizable, so be careful of how you approach that. We discussed the rest in class, but let me know if you want to bounce off any other ideas for your alternative.


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