Learning Log #9

In this photo I kept the shutter speed at 1/125, which is what I usually shoot with. Since it was still daylight and a little cloudy, I had the aperture at F5 and the ISO at 800. I like this picture because of the vibrant background with the subject in all black. Giving it a figure/ground aspect to it.

For the late photos, I had my shutter speed slower at 1/80 because I was experimenting with different shutter speed. The aperture was at F6.3 and the ISO at 1600 because it was dark.

Learning Log #9



Today we learned how to capture our subjects in the night . With little to no light present the photo required a high iso. It also required us to allow as much light to come in as possible with out losingĀ  focus on the subject. I accomplished this by maintainingĀ  a low aperture and my shutter speed at 1/100.

Learning Log #9


For the first shot I had found a sort of spot pyramid shaped light doorway and thought it would be cool if the subject stood in the middle. The professor used the light stick to create the fire-effect in the background. The second shot was taken near a movie ad that was well lit. We had a blue light behind him to highlight.

Learning Log #9

Today in class we walked around Dumbo messing around with natural and artificial lighting when it got darker. The shot with the cat i had use the bulb in the store to light the cat as much as possible since he was in the store. my second shot has a great LED lighting on my model for the photo. My third and final shot is of the manhattan bridge from below with barely any lighting so i had bump my ISO very high to get the silhouette of the bridge.

Learning Log #8

For the PSA project, I chose to do it on depression awareness. I chose to use a black background to give it a darker feel. I also used one light on the subject to achieve that sense of darkness. I wanted to give the sense that he was alone and hopeless, that’s why there is only but so much light on him and a lot of shadows; giving it a void sensation. To achieve this shot, I used a shutter speed of 1/100, the aperture was F10, and the ISO was 100. All of these were used to compensate for the dark area and strobe light.