Monthly Archives: April 2019

learning log #8

This is a PSA for anxiety and depression. To get this image I used an ISO of 100, the shutter speed was at 1/160 and the f-stop was at 9. For the lighting, there was only one light used that was coming from the top corner. This allowed for a dramatic mood.

Learning Log #7

Today’s class we had to come up with a magazine cover that looks identical to the original. I picked Complex. For this picture I had three lights set up. One light was lighting her jacket, the other light was lighting her face and the last one was on top lighting on top of her head. Then I had to do some edits in lightroom. I had to fix the exposure, highlight, shadow and whites. From there i export it to photoshop to add the logo.

Learning Log # 7

Today in class we learned how to make a magazine cover. I wanted my cover to mimic GQ magazine. While shooting I played with different color gels. The red and blue gels looked very vibrant on the subject. I went for split lighting on the subject. The red and blue also looks exactly like the GQ logo I used when editing the photo. Overall Im really happy on the way this cover came out.

Learning Log # 7

Today we learned how to shoot for different magazine covers.  We used Photoshop to adjust the logo and photo for each magazine we were advertising. My goal was to mimic Vibe magazine while adding my own twist.

Learning log #7

For this shot I had a black back drop and one light coming from the right side. Since the photo is for a magazine layout I had to keep remembering to shoot vertical. Also, Time magazine tends to have dramatic theme covers so I kept that in mind.