Author Archives: sashalee

learning log #1



For this these shots we went in the stairway because to use it had the best lighting . like every where else we didn’t like it that much. I had to adjust the aperture and shutter speed and the iso because it was coming out to dark. I use 30 aperture , 5.6 shutter speed and 32000 for the iso so that I could have a better lighting.

Homework 1 Martin Varbko

I was drawn to the photography because its looks like something that i would want to take plus i like how the dark it is but most of the lighting is on her face . IT looks like a high fashion photography and i like how the background is blurred out but you can still see it , the main focus is on the subject and what she’s doing. I also say some of his work and i love all of them the way he uses like and shadow and black white is very great. you could see that he understands what he’s doing with a camera and he understand his subjects very well .