Author Archives: Forhad Sunny

Learning Log #12

My partner and I found “All Art is Photography” interesting from the Virtual Tour because it had different variations of styles. There were mixed of black and white and colored photos that were pretty amazing to look at. The photographs had good lighting with technical and artistic skills. It even had some photographs that had strong meanings behind it. For example, the art done by Antonio Perez Rio was really astonishing.

His works demonstrated todays generation and the society we live in. His works portrayed how technology has consumed and took over us. Everywhere we go, we see people with some sort of technology with them, for example phones. It seems like people cant live without their phones. Instead of living in the moment, people get carried away trying to capture it. People forgot about real communication since then.

The Virtual Tour form worked for me because I really enjoyed looking at different types of photography. This was a different learning style for me. I was able to see these works at my fingertips which is pretty cool.


Learning Log #11

I decided to go out and take a full body shot for my magazine. First I used Lightroom, changed the color tone Then I took it into photoshop I put the “Vogue” behind her head. Then I used the Indesign, made it 8.5 x 11 and add all the text.

Homework #9

I had fun doing this assignment. It was very interesting. For this assignment I recreated Ice Cube’s album cover, Kill at Will. It was released by Ice Cube on December 18, 1990. This is my cousin on the left by the way.

Learning Log #9

This is my cat her name is Fiona. At the beginning  she was moving too much few minute later I don’t know what happened to her she decided to sit on my bad quietly. I have one small window in my room and at this time the light is not as bright as usual so I did a little Lightroom touch up.

learning log #6 (Sunny)

Product photography.

For this assignment I used a shoe box as my background. I also used speed light with a defuser and some objects such as PRADA cologne, lens hood and a lens cover. I kept my f\10 because I wanted to get as much texture as possible. I did most of the work I did on Lightroom and Photoshop. In Lightroom I cropped and fixed the color of the photos and used photoshop to reducing shadow and increase the sharpness.

Learning Log #5



For this class we worked with LED Lights. It was very exciting because I got to paint with the light however I wanted to. Frist I mount my DSLR camera on tripod and then I set my camera. I put the shutter speed all the way down to 6 seconds. I kept my ISO 100 and F 4.0. After that I started to make random shapes behind the subject.

Midterm Concept- Forhad Sunny

For my midterm concept, I’m thinking of doing a story based on a student who watches movies late night and forgets to put his phone on charge. He has a class at 7 A.M. in the morning but couldnt wake up becuase the alarm didnt go off since his phone turned off. He then woke up really late and rushed to the bathroom. Washed face and headed out to the train station but forgets to take his phone with him. He runs back to home and grabs his phone. On the way he stops to send a text message to the professor letting him know that he will be running late to the class.

Learning Log #4

Edge Lighting

Butterfly Lighting

3 Point light with reflector

3 Point with hait light

Edge light with color

In this week we learned 4 different light setups. They were edge lighting, butterfly lighting, 3 Point light with reflector, and 3 Point with hait light. We tried 4 different lighting setups and they came out differently with each light setup. For example, butterfly light gave a glamorous look. On the other hand, 3 point light setup gave an official type of look. But i liked edge lighting better because i got to use some color gel and it came out just the way i wanted. It was because of the harshness and the size of the light.