Author Archives: Aaron Ocasio

Learning Log 2


During the class session we tinkered with lighting. the most important element in photography. My group and I experimented with both hard lighting and soft lighting, while also manipulating different environments, both white and black. while manipulating focus and aperture I was able to create depth within some of the photos. I also utilized angle to create a more diagonal dramatic effect to one of the photos as well. This exercise was very benefitting to my knowledge of lighting as well.

Learning Log 1


During this exercise, my partner and I were having quite a difficulty finding a proper spot with the desired lighting. we targeted the stairwells mainly, and ending up on 8th floor, allowing us to discover a very dim and warm hued light. With very dark scenery as well help us capture the reflection of light in these photos. With the help of mid level aperture and a low exposure we were able to capture these interesting photos.

Homework 1

This image was taken b Kryzsztof Browko, His use of landscaping is what initially drew me in. I am really attracted to being able to catch great scenery. The natural monochromatic color scheme is one of the most vital and beneficial aspects to this photograph as well.