Author Archives: Anthony Murillo-Rivera

Learning log #3






For this session we played with photography and different lighting styles, as there was a couple of us shooting we tried many different angles and many different light placements. for these shots I tried to create an intense look. with information on these different types of lighting I learned how to create more dynamic shots. I think out of all the shots I took I personally liked broad and split. split allowed us to Create a strong sense of mystery. shooting with broad lighting and with color gels allowed for some really interesting shots, for the shot above I like how the yellow light creates a strong but thin outline on his face.


Learning Log #2 Anthony Murillo-rivera


we spent most of our time messing with lighting so the majority of our pictures were high key pictures, for the pictures I took we decided to remove the lighting directly of our still life and decided to use our bounce board to light our object; what we ended up getting is strong and deep shadows and allowed the light to wash over both the mask, this ended up creating nice highlights on the left mask. for the shots that we took first our light was directly on the object and we were able to captures strong highlights on the right side of the yellow mask. For our low key photographs we decide to use a variety of items as we wanted to see how light affected each item. what we ended up getting were some nice highlights of light on the purple mask and the variety of our silver objects. this was the first time doing still life photography so playing with light and how it works in a variety of angles was really interesting.

Learning log #1 – Anthony Murillo-Rivera

after getting back into photography after four years, it was hard to jump back into photography. this first photo session I had to relearn how to use lighting and what was the best way to get interesting shots in an enclosed space. for these two shots I cranked up the ISO and lowered the F-Stop to get as much light as possible, as the light in the stairway was fairly dim. for these two shots we shot in the stairway as we were finding an issue finding singular light throughout the building. to finalize these images I lowered the temperature to gain a cooler tone as the original photo was very warm. the reason for lowering the temperature of this photo is that I wanted the pink in her sweater to pop out again the surrounding grays.

Hw# 1 Krysztof Browko

this photo was taken by Krzysztof Browko, it from a series of photos he took in Italy. one particular reason i choose this photograph and his work specifically is that the photograph seems to be almost painted. Browko seems to be taking a long exposure shot as it seems that the light kind of stays to one side, this is best seen on the right side of the picture as the trees are the only thing that the light hits. Browko seems to enjoy shooting warm colors such as landscapes with red, orange and yellows. Browko also seems to be very fond of neutral colors, gray, black, brown, greens. What i like about Browko’s work is that it seems to capture a scene at its warmest and most comfortable moments.