Learning log #3






For this session we played with photography and different lighting styles, as there was a couple of us shooting we tried many different angles and many different light placements. for these shots I tried to create an intense look. with information on these different types of lighting I learned how to create more dynamic shots. I think out of all the shots I took I personally liked broad and split. split allowed us to Create a strong sense of mystery. shooting with broad lighting and with color gels allowed for some really interesting shots, for the shot above I like how the yellow light creates a strong but thin outline on his face.


One thought on “Learning log #3

  1. Pete Labrozzi

    So your 1st example, is actually still broad. Take a look at that and your last shot, which you also identified as broad. Do you see how it’s the “broad” side of the face that’s being lit in both, meaning the side that’s majority facing the camera? Short is when the main light is lighting the farther side of the face.

    Also your “loop” shot is closer to Rembrandt. The lighting only becomes loop when that shadow breaks from the far side of the face and becomes an independent “loop” of shadow coming off the nose.


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