Learning Log #1 – Jessica Marcovecchio


We’ve never been in any other part of the building besides the photography rooms and the cafe so we didn’t really know where to go. There were a lot of direct lights in the staircases so we played with those and managed to get a couple of shots we were happy with. I kept my aperture  at the lowest option my camera let me which was f4.0 and my shutter speed was at 1/125-1/160, and my ISO fell between 1600-6400 depending on where we were.

One thought on “Learning Log #1 – Jessica Marcovecchio

  1. Pete Labrozzi

    Nice work. One thing I would ask you to consider is the amount of space left over your subject’s head in each of these shots. I think the 2nd is slightly more effective in the composition you chose because we see a bit of the gradient of light on the wall that is also lighting him. However in the first, a closer crop using up your frame to capture your subject would probably have been more effective, as the area above his head just isn’t that interesting there.


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