Author Archives: Obed Ledezma

Leaning Log #12

In order to get these shots I had to make sure my camera settings were at f4.5, ISO at 400 and shutter speed at 1/640. I had the camera in manual mode which made the process a lot easier. I had to make sure my composition was straight with the line in the background. I had to use the camera this way in order to accomplish the looks. My favorite part of the shoot was being able to be outside. I took multiple photos and combined them into one on photoshop using the mask and brush tool.

Learning Log #11


To create these pictures I had to get the lighting in the right places and have my camera settings at ISO 200, Aperture F6.3 and Shutter Speed. There is a lot of dramatics in the lighting of these pictures. My favorite part of this exercise was walking around and the process of taking them photos.

Learning Log #10

In order to get these shots I had to ask each some of the individuals for a shot. They were all very nice and cooperative. For some of the shots I didn’t have to ask because a lot of people were being photographed anyway. I had to frame my camera in order to get a good composition of the subjects and make sure the lighting was close to them. To accomplish the looks I had to make sure I had enough room in the photo.

Learning Log #9

For my PSA log I decided to make my topic on alcoholism. I was able to work on this project alone which was a bit challenging but I was able to push through and make the best out of it. I used two kinds of lighting for my shots. My favorite part of this shoot was the idea and concept behind it.

Learning Log #9

In order to get these shots I had to make sure my angles and lighting were specific. I had to make sure my panel was pointing at the sun in order to get the reflection of the sun to hit my models face. My favorite part of this photoshoot was being able to shoot it outside. We had a lot of fun working together.

Learning Log #6

In order to get these shots I had to put my camera at the right settings. I put my ISO at 200 for the dark background and for the light background I put it at 100. For my aperture I had it at F10 and my shutter speed at 60. I enjoyed the assignment because the prop I used worked well with the shots and feel I wanted to give the shoot.