For this learning log, I decided to go with an anti-bullying campaign. I wanted to have my subject to look like a high school student and to look sad and I used the black background to make it dark.
Author Archives: Alvin Valentierra
Learning Log #11 Magazine Cover
Learning Log #10 Product Photography
Learning Log #9- Light Painting
Learning Log #8 – Portrait Lighting 2
Learning Log #7 Portrait Lighting 1
Learning Log 6 – High & Low Key Lighting for Still Life
Learning Log 5 _ Action/Motion Portraits
Learning Log #4- Flash/Ambient
Homework #3 Photoville
I went to Photoville on Sunday and saw a lot of great images. I am more drawn to portraits, so my majority of my time there I spent looking at galleries of portraits. A set that stuck out to me the most was that of portraits of women in government, I believe it was sponsored by the New York Times. All the portraits were very beautiful, and used elements of composition. Which included fill the frame and eye dominant. I really enjoyed it and wish I had more time to listen to some of the speaking events going on.