Journal Entries 7: The Projects Part 2


Beside working on graphic projects, I was assigned to update their website. I was relieved that it’s not coding involved. Their website is strictly using SquareSpace. I never used SquareSpace before and this was such a great way to get to learn it. Maybe in the future, instead of actually coding it (which is best to do so but I’m not a coder), I can just use SquareSpace to organize and display my portfolio work in a visual appealing way. SquareSpace is not very hard to pick up. The template is all done and we just have to either add in a feature or information. My job was to focus on updating the their home page with their current clients and making square images that represent them. As well as updating their resource center page where it will display clients products and line-sheet.


I was also assigned to put together a monthly sales report for their clients for that month. Out of all project, this one was properly more intense than the others. Monthly Sale Report contain quite a bit of information