Journal Entries 9: Self-Evaluation


Designed by Kjpargeter –

I learned a lot from this internship. It has given me the experience I was looking for. When I started my internship, I was afraid of a lot of things. I was afraid that I won’t be much of a help that they were looking for. My confidence was lacking in the beginning but I didn’t show it. Deep down, it was lacking.  I was afraid of not being able to get the work done on time. All these fear occurred because this was my very first internship or job that is relating to graphic design. I didn’t have any job experience in the design world. So I was afraid of failing.

Everything all changed as soon as I felt more comfortable with them and the environment. Being able to quickly adapt to a new environment has given me more confident to do my work. Being able to walk in and start my work without really having my supervisor to tell me what to do every time. That only happens when I am being assigned to a new project or have some errand that needed to be done.