Prev.: Methodologies
I do not teach a regular course, but I have facilitated numerous library workshops, library one-shot research courses for the CST department, a series of workshops for library faculty on how to craft their teaching portfolios, and a module to assist open education resources (OER) fellows in creating more web usable OERs.
See below for the research guides I have authored for student and faculty use. More guides I have written and co-authored can be found on the library’s research guide site.
- Computer Engineering and Systems Technology Research Guide
This guide was written to assist CET and CST students with research projects and assignments. - CST 1100
This guide is intended for CST1100 students and is a supplement for the one-shot instruction of that course. - Protect Your Privacy
This guide is a workshop supplement for City Tech students and faculty to better protect their digital privacy. - Teaching Portfolio Library Faculty Workshop
I have developed a series of workshops that occur over a semester to assist librarians who do not teach regular classes on how to forge their own. Library colleagues conduct homework assignments , where they write different components of the portfolio, which are discussed at subsequent sessions. - Open Educational Resources (OER) Usability Module
This module is used by the City Tech OER fellowship program to better understand how to develop OERs with usability on mind.
Next: Student Learning