Reflection: Short Stories

After creating and revising my own annotated bibliographies I can now call myself a veteran and someone who has a lot of knowledge about my said topic, which is Short Stories. One thing that all of my sources share is the fact that all of them are fiction. It is possible that Short stories can be non fictional, matter of fact it’s more likely, but I personally chose these sources because of the messages behind them and how popular these sources are. Something else that my sources all share is the fact that they have a message or meaning behind each story that can be related to currently in the world.  I personally feel that short stories should always have a message behind it, it can portray to only the author, or it can portray to a specific audience or it can be relatable to anyone. Another common theme that my sources have is that they are all in third person. Just like the first one, there are multiple short stories that are in second person and first person but I chose these because of personal preference. I can also say that even though all of my sources are short stories, they don’t always have to be related or have anything in common and one of the things that my sources DON’T have in common is the message and meaning behind it. One short story can talk about the progression of technology in society and another can talk about the love of your life. They don’t always have to be the same but they must have a message to convey to their audience. What I learned from my topic was that every short story has a message that can be related to, and that every short story has a clear understanding of who their audience is. What I still want to learn about this topic is the differences between 1st 2nd and 3rd person short stories.

What I learned about myself as a writer is that I love creative writing because of how creative my mind is, I always use figurative language, diction, and imagery to express myself in my own creative writings, and this is what I am attracted to as a reader. I find myself intrigued to creative writings. I would like to continue to grow as writers by exploring other genres to see what I am fascinated by and what I find myself doing as well. In order for me to enact these changes I have to pick out random books from each genre that I find myself writing about and spend weeks and months dissecting these books to understand the meaning behind all of them and how this can be related to short stories.

3 thoughts on “Reflection: Short Stories”

  1. In school, short stories weren’t a major thing to learn but when looking at it, even though it is short there can many different messages and I get what you mean, it can sometimes only send a message to specific people. It’s a good thing it is a genre, I think your right, short stories do have a clear audience it can influence. I think short stores are actually really important to, again, convey a message to some people.

  2. I definitely agree that shirt stories can Poetry different messages. Short stories are a whole different way of writing. It contains much less details than a a normal story. Short stories give a moral in a way that is entertaining but doesn’t take up much of the reader’s time.

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