Beyoncé Pop music – I’d Rather Go Blind

Has it ever crossed your mind the difference between people speaking compared to what they write? Writing can tell a lot about a person’s personality. By script, there are so many ways that you can describe your thoughts, such as music, diaries, text, email, and others. Music has been popular in this old industry and even in today’s society. There are so many types of music that people would listen to, such as Classical, Country, Jazz, Rock, Hip-Hop, Rap, and even more. Personally, I’m actually into pop music, but I don’t mind listening to rap music such as the rapper Eminem. Rap music is excellent for working out to speed up the heartbeat. Pop music is like a whole other story for me. It eases my mind, especially when you can relate to the song. The singer must show some motion in his or her music to connect with the idents. One of the movies that i watch in high school class project its called “Cadillac Records.” The reason why I wasn’t able to forget the film because of the lyrics from the song “I’d Rather Go Blind” by Beyoncé. Beyonce was pulling from her experience! That’s why she was able to sing that song with so much greatness and soul! That’s personal pain on her face, something she was going through with Jay Z at the time! The title song named after the most critical line in the lyrics shows how deep and intense the song is! Essential on the song for doing, people were struggling through relationship, family, school, or work. When you can have something and didn’t last for long, then you would understand this song! When that person has broken your heart into pieces! You would instead go blind than to see them walk away from you! This song I reserved almost 701k from around the world. Not all pop music are sad; many songs have different moods and feeling to it.

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