

Diet (Noun)

  • Food and drink regularly provided or consumed
  • Habitual nourishment
  • The kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason
  • A regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight
  • Something provided or experienced repeatedly
  • A formal deliberative assembly of princes or states
  • Any of various national provincial legislatures
  • The food and drink that a person or animal usually takes
  • The kind and amount of food selected or allowed in certain circumstances (As poor health)

Diet (Verb)

  • To eat less food or to eat only particular kinds of food in order to lose weight
  • To eat less or according to certain rules in order to lose weight

Transitive verb:

  • To cause to take food (Feed)
  • To cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules

Intransitive verb:

  • To eat sparingly or according to prescribed rules

Diet (Adjective)

  • Reduced in or free from calories
  • Promoting weight loss (As by depressing appetite)
  • Having a smaller number of calories than usual
  • Intended to help people lose weight
  • Reduced in calories
  • Reduced in calories or without calories

Origin and etymology of Diet 

Middle English diete, from Anglo-French, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita, literally, manner of living, from diaitasthai to lead one’s life.

The word diet first appeared in English in the 13th century. Its original meaning was the same as in modern English, “habitually taken food and drink.” But diet was used in another sense too in the Middle and early modern English periods to mean “way of living.” This is, in fact, the original meaning of diet’s Greek ancestor diaita, which is derived from the verb diaitasthan, meaning “to lead one’s life.” In Greek, diaita, had already come to be used more specifically for a way of living prescribed by a physician, a diet, or other regimen.

Middle English diete day’s journey, day set for a meeting, from Medieval Latin dieta, literally, daily regimen, diet (taken as a derivative of Latin dies day), from Latin diaeta.


Real World Definition

When someone is on a diet, most likely the person is eating following a healthy plan. Being on a diet is like eating vegetables and fruits instead of hamburgers and pizza. Many people consider that dieting will make them look better. People use this word when they go to the gym and try to be healthy by eating measured amounts of food. This word is also used when you see someone skinny and then you go and say, “You might be on diet because you look so thin.” Diet also refers to the foods that we regularly eat.


When I was 15 years old, the only way to share a plate of food with others was by eating together. Now the world is changing, and so are we. It is easier to get to others through social media. People with things in common can connect by means of social networking, to share what they like.

The community of young adult instagramers who share every single plate of food that they eat is the one that I am part of. This community focuses on sharing with our followers what we eat, where we eat, and how good or bad it was.

We use Instagram since it is the most convenient platform for all of us. This social networking is designed for posting pictures. We also add hashtags, so it is easier for our followers to find the posts related with food.

For example, when I post a bowl of fruit, I use the hashtags #fruit, #fruits, #foodblogger, #foodphotography, #grapes, #mango, #banana, depending on the fruits that I am eating. We all love food, social media and pictures, and as a result we combined all those things that we like, and turned it into a community project. In our community, we do not use the word “diet” a lot because diet is to control what you eat, and we do not do that. We love food and its varieties, so we do not necessarily eat salad all day on Mondays or only fast food on Tuesdays. No, we vary what we eat in one day. We can eat and post a plate of fruits in the morning, and then a bowl of pasta Alfredo in the evening.

Even though we do not use the hashtag #diet, our followers do when they comment. The reason why they use this hashtag is because they relate diet with a plate of food, and theyÂŽre right, but not in all senses. An example of this is a picture that friend posted of a green salad with the hashtags #green #healthy #alwaysgreen #eat.

Immediately, his followers commented that they follow the same #diet. He knew that they misunderstood the post because the followers thought that the hashtag #alwaysgreen meant always on diet. We say that the word diet is used by our followers because every time we post a picture, they go and comment on the post asking “what kind of diet is that?” When it is not a diet.

One day a friend posted a picture of a veggie pizza and one person asked him if he was on a diet and he said no. He just posted it because he was eating that, and that is what we do in our community. The followers sometimes use the word diet to express their thoughts on food, and that is okay because it refers to food. In our community, this word means food eaten for a particular reason, and that is why we do not often use it.

We do not control or measure what we eat. We just buy or prepare food, take a picture of it, post it, and then eat it. You would probably never see a picture shared by me of a plate of food with the hashtag diet on it. This is because I do not follow a diet plan. It is not that my community and I are against diets. We enjoy eating, and we consider that dieting is recommended to be healthy, and also that there are limits on what we can or cannot eat.

All in all, incorporating social media and passion for food, gives as a result the community that I am part of that loves and shares pictures of food, supported by our followers that comment and enjoy what we do.


As shown in this picture, we post food. We edit the pictures, so they can look more attractive to the followers. We also include hashtags related with food or what we are eating. The hashtags are part of the image since they describe what is on it, and they help people to find what they are looking for. For example, in this case, I posted a four cheese pasta with basil and added those hashtags, so my followers can type one of them, and this will show up.

Global & Local

Global Adj.
Meaning the whole world; world wide.
Meaning relate to a group of something.
Local Adj.
Relating or restricted to a particular area .
Relating to a particular part.
Local Noun.
Meaning resident of a specific area.

In my own words, “global” is when people means something related to other regions of the world not only the United States, some words like worldwide or international are used with the word “global”.
The word “local”, means a particular area that is familiar to us, another example could be persons being from a particular area.

New York City is a popular city contains many different cultures and languages, because over millions of people came into the New York City, from many other countries or states. And New York City’s immigrant history also had a great influence on its global food culture, many immigrant brought their cuisine to the city, such as chinese cuisine, italian cuisine and eastern european cuisine. Nowadays, there are many different restaurant throughout the city, global cuisines are being served to local.

In the community of the kitchen that i am working in, we serve traditional vietnamese food to locals in the city, we brought in most of our ingredient from supplier, but not all of the ingredient were produced in the states, such as spices, rice, and rice noodle, these ingredient were probably produced in Asia then transport into the city. And we also brought in vegetables and meats from local supplier, fresh vegetables and meats were delivered to the kitchen everyday, we use fresh local ingredient to cook, then serve great vietnamese traditional cuisine back to locals.

In the restaurant that i am working in, the restaurant is running by a vietnamese family, they were immigrated to the U.S in 90s, they also brought in their cuisine for the locals. When there were many people came in to the U.S, many cuisine were brought into the city, that is the time when global cuisine start to take over the city.

Nowadays, people in the city are willing to try different cuisine form the world, and most of them enjoy the food. Global cuisine had already became the most trending and majority food selection in the city. In conclusion, “global” and “local”, are connect to my community in the way, how global cuisine serve to local customer.


       Heritage – 1)Property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance. 2) Valued objects and qualities such as historic buildings and cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations. 3) Denoting or relating to things of special architectural, historical, or natural value that are preserved for the nation. 4) Denoting a traditional brand or product regarded as emblematic of fine craftsmanship. 5) Denoting a breed of livestock or poultry that was once traditional to an area but is no longer farmed in large numbers. // Oxford Dictionary

             Heritage is used a lot in our everyday lives. People pass on their heritage in different ways. One being when someone dies people will do what that person used to do, almost like a tradition. There are many ways to show heritage, it can be belongings passed down from someone, religious beliefs, traditions, statues,etc. People care about heritage because it is something that represents someone’s historical background and they don’t want to lose it.

          The word heritage has several different meanings to communities that I am a part of. One in particular is the Mexican-American community.  This community is when a person is born in the United States but one or two of their parents are fully Mexican. Growing up Mexican-American means having to learn about where your parents come from. People always say “ Too Mexican for the Americans and too American for the Mexicans.” This is extremely true because you try to stay close to your roots as well as being as American as it gets and people still do not see you as enough. I grew up learning English and Spanish. Language is a part of heritage because it is something that is being passed down generation to generation in order to be able to communicate with others. For example if the language of english would have never been passed on then we wouldn’t be speaking it right now and a huge part of our heritage would have been lost.

         Another example of heritage in this community is celebrating a Quinceañera . A quinceañera is a big party that is thrown when a teenage girl turns 15. This is heritage because it is a tradition that has been passed on for centuries involving the growth of a young girl into a lady.  This is important because having a quinceañera is a symbolic moment, it shows that you are no longer a little girl but a lady who is maturing. In the American heritage a sweet 16 is what it is called instead of a quinceañera and it is celebrated when a girl turns 16 instead of 15. Heritage is important because if heritage wouldn’t have been passed down we wouldn’t have these small things we have today.

         The picture below is an example of heritage, the day of my quinceañera . It is traditional to wear a big puffy dress in the color of your choice. I chose ivory and gold. I wore this dress through my whole party. It was an amazing experience and I hope to one day have a daughter and pass on this tradition on to her.


Part I 

Natural: (adjective) nat‱u‱ral \ˈna-chə-rəl, ˈnach-rəl\

Definition of NATURAL

1: based on an inherent sense of right and wrong- natural justice.

2a: being in accordance with or determined by nature- natural impulses.

2b: having or constituting a classification based on feature existing in nature

3a (1): begotten as distinguished from adopted- their natural son; also: legitimate (2): being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption- natural parents.

3b: illegitimate- a natural child.

4: having an essential relation with someone or something: following from the nature of the one in question his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence.

5: implanted or being as if implanted by nature: seemingly inborn- a natural talent for art.

6: of or relating to nature as an object of study and research- natural observations.

7: having a specified character by nature – a natural athlete- a natural leader.

8a: occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature: not marvelous or supernatural-natural causes- died a natural death.

8b: formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation- natural religion- natural rights.

8c: having a normal or usual character -events followed their natural course.

9: possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities (such as kindliness and affection) of human nature- a noble 
 ever most kind and natural—William Shakespeare.

10a: growing without human care; also: not cultivated- natural prairie unbroken by the plow.

10b: existing in or produced by nature: not artificial- natural turf- natural curiosities.

10c: relating to or being natural food.

11a: being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment: unregenerate- natural man.

11b: living in or as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences of civilization and society.

12a: having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious- a corporation is a legal but not a natural person.

12b: of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world- natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe.

13a: closely resembling an original: true to nature.

13b: marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint-Successful people are genuine and natural rather than synthetic and imitative—Gilbert Seldes.

13c: having a form or appearance found in nature- natural hair.

14a: having neither flats nor sharps- the natural scale of C major.

14b: being neither sharp nor flat- natural musical notes.

14c: having the pitch modified by the natural sign.

15: of an off-white or beige color.

Naturalness: (noun) \ˈna-chə-rəl-nəs, ˈnach-rəl\

Origin and Etymology of NATURAL

Middle English, from Anglo-French naturel, from Latin naturalis of nature, from naturanature.

First Known Use: 14th century in the meaning defined at sense 1.

Natural: (noun)

1: one born without the usual powers of reason and understanding.

2a: a sign placed on any degree of the musical staff to nullify the effect of a preceding sharp or flat.

2b: a note or tone affected by the natural sign.

3: a result or combination that immediately wins the stake in a game: such as (a) a throw of 7 or 11 on the first cast in craps (b) BLACKJACK 1b.

4a: one having natural skills, talents, or abilities.

4b: something that is likely to become an immediate success.

4c: one that is obviously suitable for a specific purpose.

5: AFRO.

Part II 

People nowadays use the term “natural” to determine that some products are clean, without chemicals or artificial ingredients. It means the products are made from natural ingredients such as coconut oil, fruit juice color or pea starch. For example, when I’m planning to buy shampoo or food for my dogs, the first thing I would prefer to see are the words “All Natural” on a package. In addition, people also use the term “natural” to let people know one’s innate ability. It means a person has a special talent which very few people can imitate. For instance, I have a friend who can write letters with his toes and another friend that can remember a phone number within twenty seconds.

Part III 

Boris & Horton is the first coffee shop in NYC welcoming dogs. My dogs get so happy about visiting there every week. Because I visit this place regularly , I gradually became a part of the dog lover community. The dog lover community within Boris & Horton, both employees and customers, focuses on keeping our dogs healthy. The members of this community are usually discussing and sharing useful tips to help each other choose dog foods, treats, and healthcare supplies. They have determined natural ingredients are the best for their pets. Therefore, the term “natural” became essential to this community because pet owners can save time while looking for food for their pets, natural products help their best friends live longer, and they use the term “natural” to select pets’ toys.

Dog food companies usually label their products as “natural”, so people can save time while seeking food for their dogs. For example, the first day I adopted my dogs, I went to Petco and selected food and treats for my two dogs. There were so many dog food companies that made it difficult for me to choose good quality food for my pets. I was stuck in the store for more than an hour; then another customer told me, “You should find some brands that have the word ‘natural’ on a package and try to read its ingredients thoroughly.” After this suggestion, I totally relied on the term “natural.” It’s so helpful and saved my time while I was overwhelmed by a ton of brands.

Quality products can help pets live longer. Some brands that provide products for healthy lives for pet are Merrick Fresh Kisses (dog treats), The Honest Kitchen (dehydrated food), VetriScience (vitamin supplements), Espree (shampoo), and Burt’s Bees (ear and eyes washes). These brands use packaging clearly labeled “natural”. The community uses the term “natural” to analyze the ingredients in dog products. Today, harmful elements similar to artificial colors, artificial fragrance, Cocamide-MEA, mineral oil, butylated hydroxyanisole, ethoxyquin, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite or corn syrup are rarely present in dog products. However, there are some brands like ALPO and Purina Dog Chow still containing these ingredients. Hence, to avoid those unhealthy elements, pet owners of the community usually depend on the term “natural” to select the best pet food company. For instance, one of the dog lover community members named Betty says, “I often prefer natural ingredients on foods that are made from real meats, fruits, and vegetables for my Rosie. I’m also choosing the dental treat that contains rosemary oil, fruit juice color only, and peppermint oil for her.” Betty even created a list of products that she likes; it’s called “Natural Dog Products.”

Moreover, the community not only uses the term “natural” to determine dogs’ diets, but they also use it to select dogs’ toys. There’s a little difference between natural foods and natural toys. People can see the list of ingredients easily on food products, but it’s difficult to know if toys have toxins. For this reason, the members of the group have spent more time researching non-toxic, plastic free, synthetic free, and dye free toys. That’s why they created a second list of safe products called “Natural Dog Toys.”

The term “natural” is so essential to all pet communities. Pets can’t talk, and not all humans can completely comprehend them. Most people are not trainers or veterinarians, so it’s hard for us to understand our pets. The best thing we can do is provide them with natural products. Therefore, giving a better life for a pet isn’t easy. The term natural is so important and useful for humans to choose healthy products for their best friends.

Part IV

These are some examples of pet products which have the term “natural” on the package. These products have a list of natural and non-harmful ingredients. The shampoo is made from 100% organically grown Aloe Vera, and dental treats are made from coconut and botanical oils.


Part I- the ability to be supported ,upheld /or confirmed . 

PartII-sustainable is when a group or a company works together as a team .


The origin of the word sustainability dates back to 1924, but sustainability is a trending word that many people are familiar with today. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines sustainable as, “of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.” Some people use it to define processes that can stick or stays the same.
In politics, in business, and in our everyday lives people use the word sustainable to talk about environmentally friendly developments. Examples of this today are seen in energy and farming. People don’t often think about foster care when they think about sustainability, but human lives are resources too. Seamen’s Society for Children provides sustainability in a meaningful way by investing in the future of human lives, making sure they are not “depleted or permanently damaged.”

Some people use it to define processes that can stick or stays the same.
In politics, in business, and in our everyday lives people use the word sustainable to talk about environmentally friendly developments. Examples of this today are seen in energy and farming. People don’t often think about foster care when they think about sustainability, but human lives are resources too. Seamen’s Society for Children provides sustainability in a meaningful way by investing in the future of human lives, making sure they are not “depleted or permanently damaged.

Seamen’s Society For Children and Families helps the children community maintain their goals for the future. It helps in the way that we can all go to school and they make sure we get our education. They provide us health care and necessities we need to survive. Also, they help us get help from the therapist, the provide us with food and anything else we need. The agency makes sure that we in a good foster home, we are safe and protected from the same situations we were previously in, they even gave us a lawyer and someone to talk to when we feel down. The Seamen’s Society For Children and Families helps children up to the age of 21. Children who have been neglected and abused are placed in this agency which takes care of them. Seamen’s Society is a community because we all have similar issues and trying to achieve the same goal. The young people in Seamen’s Society are trying to move on from their past and achieve their dreams.

The Seamen’s Society is sustainable because people come together as a team. The caseworkers care about what they do and share ideas to improve the agency. The government and taxpayers will continue to fund the Seamen’s Society because they doing a good job. The bond that is there will keep the agency together and makes it sustainable for a long time.

The Seamen’s Society For Children and Families is important because it helps a lot of children. It gives these young people homes, helps us to get a good education, get jobs, among other things. It is like family and it is needed to help future generations of children.


Part IV-

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