The introduction to Design for Information was an easy to understand reading that shows how graphs, maps, and diagrams although may not be directly showing data in a conventional view they merely are a translation from a written media form to a visual media form. This exhibits how data can have different forms than just numbers on a spreadsheet and instinctively people recognize this fact as they are able to read a graph, map or diagram and extract a wealth of information from them.
The introduction also shows how many different fields are informed on this subject. It goes on to explain how graphic designers categorize or differentiates between the two conventional types of visual display ei: infographics and information design. Another example would be how terms like data visualization and information visualization are more well known in the scientific community and what it means to this community. This is overall helpful for those who were not well versed in graphic design like me coming from an architecture perspective and it shows how board the subject can be in terms of its use case.
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