A Project Space for ID2 Interns

Week 5 – Bryan Estevez

I found the reading Design for Information : An Introduction to the Histories, Theories, and Best Practices Behind Effective Information Visualizations by Isabel Meirelles to be very useful in terms of understanding the way data is looked at visually. Although the chapter is named trees, it shows much more than just trees in the way we look at data. I think the most useful information though was about visual perception and cognition, because of how it contextualizes how we visualize the different hierarchal structures and not just going through each one and explaining them. Understanding how we as humans can understand complex concepts is very interesting and further helps understanding.

Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier’s Big Data was also a very interesting read. Diving into big data and what that means for us reminded me of the first textbook we read going over how much data has affected our lives. The context at the beginning also helps understand some real world examples of big data and how it can be used in the real world. I really found it interesting to discuss the ways in which big data will revolutionize our world and how it has already, as with that much data the way we think of or view the world around us changes. The last page discussing some of the pros and cons was also very useful to think about, and challenged some of the views I personally have as we transition from a more data driven society.

The work done on the survey this week was great, the only issue I had was deployment. Most classes for our focuses do not have summer classes or were only in summer session 1. I had to email two math professors but have gotten no response so deployment of it might need to be readjusted.

I also spoke to the faculty coordinator of connect day, Susan Brandt and found the information she had very useful in going over the way orientation is handled and was handled when we were digital. I wish I had spoken to her sooner as I think we could have made a stronger survey or included questions she found important to know as she handles the event and has the most insight into what needs to improve or change.

1 Comment

  1. Anne Leonhardt

    Thank you for the thoughtful discussion of the readings, Bryan! I’m curious how all of you interns see the developments in AI (with chat GBT) continuing or interupting the changes described in Big Data for how humans use intuition (vs. reason) in their work and daily lives. Thanks also for the update on the survey deployment. Let’s discuss in class today.

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