The first time I read the readings, I was confused by all the technical words and information. It makes sense since the writer was a philosopher. The task was more understandable after the meeting/lesson with Professor Cabo. Chapter 2 speaks on the binary system and letters and symbols correspond to a set of zeros and ones. It also speaks on the difference between digital and analog data, as well as the other different types. Chapter 3 speaks on the MTC system and how it relates to and makes information easily transferable and how the computer breaks down information. Re-reading the text after the meeting, was a great idea. It was understandable and having the context made it digestible.

For the Mapping Excercise, I kind of created a chaos map but also developed the original map which was created last week. Professor Spevack had a great idea to show the seating areas, the bathrooms, and more. It was a fun exercise overall!