Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Author: Danny Mizhquiri (Page 5 of 5)

Introducing Danny Mizhquiri

My Pronouns are (he/him/his)

My Major is Computer Engineering Technology (CET)

I became Computer Engineering Technology (CET) because I was interested in in hoping that one day I would program video games in the near future

After I take MAT 2680,

I would began taking Introduction to Linear Algebra in MAT 2580

After I graduate from City Tech, I`ll be searching for a Job that I love the most and hoping I can take my family to a new home somewhere far away from city-like and live in a forest-like town.

Other interests are playing video games, reading books, and spending time getting help from my closest family members.

The one thing I am good at is I Want to learn as much as I could since there is only a limited time for me to do, I am determined to look over and remind myself that these subjects will be done and other will be for later.

One thing I am proud of was I never give up even when I encounter so many situations that I would just quit everything and end it forever, I just to continue in hoping I would understand.

Napoleon Bonaparte; an Intimate Biography is one of my favorite books that I read for the past many months.

Bird such as a parrot is my favorited animal

For the past few years, the pandemic tore my sanity apart, as I had to be alone from my closest group which weaken my academic. As I was forced to learn the lesson virtually and given information online with little to no announcement and I had to know about it by myself. To be honest, I HATE IT! I prefer hearing the information in person, so I can at least know what I should do for the following semester and I hope it wouldn`t be the same here because if it does, it would be extremely difficult for me to pass the class!

I was shocked to learn that this class will be mostly here and not blackboard which is something I had worried about!

These open labs are new to me, I had to adapt or it will frustrating.

To be honest, it was good that I can continue studying at City tech so I can graduate but now, I am not so sure. But hopefully, I will enjoy the class as much as I could. 🙂

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