Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Test #1 solution


1 Comment

  1. Opemipo Odugbemi

    solving this I broke down my steps into 5.(Note : not sure if this is version C. I’m unable to find one)

    1. I solved for M(y) = N(x) by taking partial derivatives and making sure they’re exact, which means there partial derivative solution are equal to one another. In my case was 6 = 6. which means they’re exact.
    2. Next I took the integral of of M(x,y) wrt x. using @y in place of C
    3. Then we differentiate our result wrt y
    4. Our differentiation is then set equal to N(x,y)dy
    5. Then we get the integral of @’y to get the substitute and equate it to C.
    6. In my case I had to find Particular solution. I equated my general soln to C. used the value I was given then solve for C. My C turned Out to be 9. and then re-write my whole general soln but this time 9 for C.

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