Hey everyone, my name is Damian, I’m 6’3 and from the Caribbean on a small island called Trinidad and I am currently a Lower Senior. My major is Computer Engineering Tech and my Minor is Electrical Engineering. My pronouns are He/Him. I became interested in Computer Engineering once I became a junior in high school, I was always into technology and I wanted to learn more in-depth on computers, electronics, consoles, etc. and how they are built and work. After this math class I will be taking Linear Algebra which sounds like a challenge, especially because math isn’t one of my strong suits. I hope to be a hardware developer after I graduate but before I accomplish that I need to get my master’s degree in that field. My main interests are Comic books (Marvel, DC etc.), Anime, Manga, Music, Movies/TV Shows, Art, Fitness (weightlifting), and especially Gaming. I’m good at drawing to an extent because I need to continue to develop my skill, but I also can play the guitar as well. I don’t have a specific favorite book because it’s kinda hard for me to decide that but the lightning thief is up there.