Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Introducing Danny Mizhquiri

My Pronouns are (he/him/his)

My Major is Computer Engineering Technology (CET)

I became Computer Engineering Technology (CET) because I was interested in in hoping that one day I would program video games in the near future

After I take MAT 2680,

I would began taking Introduction to Linear Algebra in MAT 2580

After I graduate from City Tech, I`ll be searching for a Job that I love the most and hoping I can take my family to a new home somewhere far away from city-like and live in a forest-like town.

Other interests are playing video games, reading books, and spending time getting help from my closest family members.

The one thing I am good at is I Want to learn as much as I could since there is only a limited time for me to do, I am determined to look over and remind myself that these subjects will be done and other will be for later.

One thing I am proud of was I never give up even when I encounter so many situations that I would just quit everything and end it forever, I just to continue in hoping I would understand.

Napoleon Bonaparte; an Intimate Biography is one of my favorite books that I read for the past many months.

Bird such as a parrot is my favorited animal

For the past few years, the pandemic tore my sanity apart, as I had to be alone from my closest group which weaken my academic. As I was forced to learn the lesson virtually and given information online with little to no announcement and I had to know about it by myself. To be honest, I HATE IT! I prefer hearing the information in person, so I can at least know what I should do for the following semester and I hope it wouldn`t be the same here because if it does, it would be extremely difficult for me to pass the class!

I was shocked to learn that this class will be mostly here and not blackboard which is something I had worried about!

These open labs are new to me, I had to adapt or it will frustrating.

To be honest, it was good that I can continue studying at City tech so I can graduate but now, I am not so sure. But hopefully, I will enjoy the class as much as I could. 🙂


  1. Kate Poirier

    Great to meet you, Danny! I’m sorry that online classes were hard on you. I’m really happy we’re back on campus too. You said that you’re new to the OpenLab, but you’ve already figured out how to submit a post and a comment! Good for you! You’ll be posting and commenting on the OpenLab throughout this semester.

    That biography of Napoleon sounds interesting. I don’t know a lot about the French revolution, but I read The Count of Monte Cristo recently and loved it. The author’s father was from Haiti and was a French revolutionary war hero… The Count of Monte Cristo is based partly on his experience. His biography The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo is fascinating; he and Napoleon were frenemies!

  2. kevin

    Nice to meet you Danny, I can relate to what you say about never giving up, I also faced a lot of problems and never let them bring me down. I also like to play video games. I did want to be a game designer, but I am not that creative to be a game designer. I am glad to see another CET person. We can probably help each other in classes we have. I am also shocked about the class on this website. I never used it before. I don’t even know if my post is posted in the right place. LOL

  3. JTruong27

    I sympathize with you how the pandemic affected you academically. I felt as if I were in a similar situation when the pandemic occurred as I felt like I couldn’t take online classes as seriously compared to when I was taking in-class courses.

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