Spring on my Mind


The weather is teasing us this week with 60 degrees one day and 25 the next… I’ve had enough winter to last me until 2020! March 20th is the first day of Spring and we’re gonna make it count. Meet us at 11:30am on the 20th around N201 to lay some compost and plant some of our seeds; peas, bok choy, field greens, and whatever else we can get our hands on.

The groups that went to the garden last week had a successful time planting in the greenhouse. Those we will move to the ground in a few weeks when they’re big enough. We also have a chance to grow a few flats of fancy microgreens  in the greenhouse in late March, which will be ready in time for our Earth Day Celebration on April 10th! 

On another note a few of us, or at least myself, will be meeting AT the garden this Saturday around 11am March 15 to do some raking and plot work in preparation for next week. All are welcome!

Stay warm, as we await Spring like a lover waits for her soldier’s homecoming!

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What is a Weed?

“A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.” And as garden life has it, they gotta go! We’ve got some exciting gardening ahead of us so I hope all of you are ready for spring! The winter weeds need to be relocated to the compost pile, the soil needs some TLC, and we have a few chili pepper-related tricks up our sleeves when it comes to spreading organic pesticides.

A few of us will be heading over to the rooftop garden this week to assess what we are working with this season. All are welcome! On Wednesday, March 5th, we have members Shellita, Craig, John, and photographer Alina, meeting near N201 at 2pm. They will accompany Prof. Hellerman and any new members to the garden plot at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Expect to be back at school around 4pm. For anyone who is unavailable then, we have a second group going to the garden this Thursday, March 6, 11:30am-2pm; Dahwei, Sarah, Blessing, Tristen, and Prof. H.

We are hoping to plant seeds in March for a great harvest in late April or early May. We may even have the opportunity to plant a select few seeds earlier in the rooftop greenhouse! A few things we are considering this season: pea shoots, radishes, anise hyssop (a lovely purple flower, great for a table centerpiece), field greens, kale, mizuna lettuce and bok choy.

The rooftop Brooklyn Grange, where the Hospitality Garden Club has a plot with a great view… must see in person!

There are a few other dates to keep in mind as well:

April 10th in N206; the Garden Club plans to host an early Earth Day celebration with free snacks like kale chips, sushi, sweets and more! Come enjoy some music, food and photo booth fun between 12:45-2:15pm!

May 1st; We will be participating in City Tech’s annual Wellness Fair, most likely with some micro greens and garden-friendly recipes! Check back for more details as this date gets closer.

Let’s all hope Spring comes soon!


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Snappy Seeds

There is a wonderful seed company that goes by the name Seeds of Change. They have a snazzy catalogue. And their website is glossy too:     http://www.seedsofchange.com/

Though I seldom order from them, they are inspirational in their mission to source organically and educate novice gardeners with snappy tutorials on seed starting, composting and transplanting–essential skills for us up on the Navy Yard roof garden.

This Wed at 1:45, garden students will meet in Namm 201 in order to sift through the myriad options of spring planting. The focus will be on what we can get started in the greenhouse and have ready for an early May harvest. Then we will rustle up some seeds.

Everyone in the City Tech community is welcome.

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Club Fair Today!

Hey guys! Come on down to the Atrium today and see what the Garden Club is all about! Brave the snow and join us between 12:45-2:15. We’ll be handing out samples of fresh-baked spicy cornbread with maple whipped cream. 

Free if you sign up, (free if you don’t)!

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Cloudy w/ a chance of Pak Choy

In spite of threatening weather, new garden club members Sarah and Kenneth were on hand today to transplant young Swiss chard seedlings, pick tomatoes and give the purple pak choy a shot of organic fish fertilizer. They did the same for the deep green broccoli rabe.      Mmmm.

The tomatoes will be part of the Garden Club’s fall harvest Cooking Demo on Thursday Oct 24 during club hours (12:45 -2:00 pm, Namm 206). Also featured on the menu, a few  other garden success stories– butternut squash (two ways), mustard greens, and Swiss chard.  More details can be found in the Events section of this site.  Meanwhile, hope for the best, in all things, and work to make it happen.

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Tour on Thursday

All new garden club members are invited to take a tour of the Hospitality Garden  this coming Thursday Oct 10. Interested members should email Prof Hellermann at mhellermann@citytech.cuny.edu

We will meet at the Cumberland St entrance to the Brooklyn Navy Yard at 4:30 pm. The garden is on the roof of Bldg #3 and offers a lovely view of the East River and lower Manhattan.  We will do a little planting and harvest some tomatoes & kale.

Hope to see you there!  ps: longstanding club members are of course encouraged to join us.


visualize whirled peas

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Hospitality Garden Sign Up Form

You can sign up at the following link for the Hospitality Garden Club at City Tech

Sign Up Form

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Wishing you a warm welcome. Please check our calender and Facebook page periodically for news and events.

Wishing you a warm welcome. Please check our calender and Facebook page periodically for news and events.

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Educate Green: Transform Waste By Composting Educating Tomorrow


Saturday, September 28, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (EDT) New York, NY

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