New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc

At the 2015 Society of Wine Educators Conference, Will Costello, MS told the audience how New Zealand is a “land like no other,” during his presentations titled “New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc: Breakthrough Approaches and Individual Expressions.” You can download a copy of the presentation here: NZ Sauvignon Blanc presented by Will Costello

Group Made Wine

A question was asked in class about different wine makers coming together to make wine and I mentioned Opus One. Shortly after that day I arrived home to find this wine waiting to be tasted! The wine had an approachable deep dark fruit palette and a nose that matched, oak was evident but not nominant and it paired well with a pasta a meat sauce dish I made.

The link below will lead you to the story behind the collaboration.

Expand Your Palate, One Circle at a Time

Different Types of Wine Infographic Chart

Which Path of Circles Will You Follow on Your Personal Exploration of Wine

As you expand your understanding of wine and the options you have take a look at this infogram from Wine Folly. Think about flavors you like and then choose some wines to taste between classes. Let me know what you tried and what you like and did not like. I will do the same!

Click here to view Wine Folly’s website.