Providing Over 70 Years of Quality Service to the Hospitality Industry

Jadira Bermudez’s EPorfile

Hi everyone welcome to my EPorfile,

My name is Jadira Bermudez and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I just graduated highschool in June so I’m a freshman at City Tech and my major is Hospitality Management. I graduated from St.Joseph High School in Downtown Brooklyn so I was very familiar with City Tech since it’s around the corner from one another. When I found out that City Tech had this major I was so excited because it was close to home and I knew that I would love it there. When I went on a college tour to City Tech I fell in love with their program and that’s when I knew City Tech was going to be my new home.

As I start my first semester of college I hope that I’m able to be on top of my work and show my professors my full potential. Coming into college I knew that there will be a large amount of writing but since writing is one of my weaknesses I look forward to strengthening those skills. My goal for this semester is to pass all my classes with at least a B average but I’m going to try my hardest to get A’s. I don’t think getting A’s in all my classes is going to be hard because with one of my strengths being great organizational skills I won’t have to worry about missing class or forgetting to do my work. I’m expecting this semester to help me open opportunities when it comes to getting my first job in the hospitality industry because since I’m learning about it and will have a good amount of knowledge on the area that when I try to apply for jobs they would keep an open mind. I hope that my first job will be in the hospitality industry and I feel like these courses I’m taking this semester are going to help me. 



  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    I look forward to helping you reach your full potential! Considering our virtual environment, your organizational skills will be useful.

  2. Darimari Pujols

    I totally agree with you, I hope that I pass all my classes with with at least a b and I don’t slack. Also, writing is something I’m not great with as well but hopefully I strengthen it with this major.

  3. Sofia

    Hi Jadira, writing is also one of my weakness and would like to get better at writing. I am also looking forward to getting my first job in the future in the hospitality industry.

  4. Sofia

    Hi Jadira, writing is also one of my weakness and would like to get better at writing. I am also looking forward to getting my first job in the future in the hospitality industry.

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