Category Archives: Hotel Site Visit

knickerbocker hotel visit

What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the 1 Hotel?

My trip to this hotel for the first time in my life after seeing all the new years special performances on the big sony t.vs that weighed a lifetime was truly magical. To be so close and feel that luxurious air and to be surrounded with this overwhelming atmosphere of high class just blew my socks away. A human being such as I could only dream of working in a place like the knickerbocker. The only thing I disliked of the trip was the kitchen. American cuisine is being advertised and the kitchen is the size of one of the many guest rooms that are being sold currently within the hotel. There is just so much that could happen in that small kitchen.

What is one aspect of the site visit that made you want to or not want to work in the lodging industry?

One aspect of this site visit was the clear understanding I truly hold no interest in the lodging industry. I would love to work in it but I just do not feel I can live up to expectations. The punctuality this field requires and patience is just to much. Feeling bad because a coworker made a mistake is not my problem then to have a nasty customer would just be a big NO.

Knickerbocker Hotel Reflection

  • What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the 1 Hotel?

Visiting the Knickerbocker hotel was hands down one of the best hotels I have had the pleasure of touring. I really liked the format of the rooms. When I entered the different guest rooms, I really enjoyed looking at the bathrooms, since they looked so bright and aesthetically pleasing. The rooms were also soundproof, all the car hocking and other loud noises all disappeared when we were in those rooms. Another thing I really liked was going on the rooftop and having such a close view to where the ball drops during the new year. The rooftop had so many plants and lights that I know look amazing at night.


  • What is one aspect of the site visit that made you want to or not want to work in the lodging industry

One aspect of the site visit that made me want to work in the lodging industry is how welcoming and close every single one of the employees were. I truly felt very comfortable as we were given a tour and had that mini panel discussion with some of the staff members. I really love how the hotel has created a family within the workers and thatā€™s something I would really love to be a part of one day.

Knickerbocker Hotel

What did you like/dislike about the site visit to The 1 Hotel?

What I liked about the visit to the hotel was that we were able to learn about the different departments within the hotel from housekeeping to the food and beverage. Also that we went through the employee entrance since it gave it a bit more of a feel of how a worker would start there day and what would be their daily ā€œwalkā€ I guess you can say.Ā 

How did you feel about going to The 1 Hotel? .

I felt a bit awkward because I have never really went into a hotel so I didnā€™t really know what to expect from it. But afterwards I felt good about it since I did something new and I got to see the way in which a hotel runs.Ā 

Knickerbocker Hotel

  • What did you like/dislike about the site visit to The 1 Hotel?

What I liked about the visit to The 1 Hotel was that they didn’t have everything on the lobby like other hotels do. All they have in the lobby is something very simple such as the concierge right when you walk in, check in is all the way in the back, and instead of having big tables and couches, they had small ones for guest to feel comfortable. On the upper levels, that’s where they have everything such as a place to eat, bar, rooms, etc.

  • How did you feel about going to The 1 Hotel?

I felt great going to The Hotel because I’ve never been in a luxury hotel and it made see the differences compared to other hotels and I actually did like the amenities that the hotel provided. Especially the group rooms that are for families. Instead of having to walk down the hallway to go and see your other family members, they had connected rooms to make it easier. Also, the roof top was amazing, you get to see the ball drop up close on New Years Eve.

Tiffany Washington

In What Way Do You Believe You Need To Prepare For a Career In The Luxury Hotel Market?

The Way I Believe I Need to prepare for a career in a luxury Hotel is to start from the bottom up in the hotel. Start from the front desk agent and work my way up the general manager. I Can start from now me being a college student and see if any luxury hotels have any openings at beginning positions. Even If I get a job atĀ  a hotel as a front desk agent I shadow the other workers.

How Did You Feel About Going To The 1 Hotel?

I Really Loved 1 Hotel. 1 Hotel Gave me a very Homestyle type of style with the rooms and the view was very beautiful. The rooms were veryĀ  big and the way the rooms was created was in a way i never seen before very different.


Knickerbocker Hotel

What did you like/dislike about the site visit to TheĀ 1 Hotel?

Visiting the Knickerbocker hotel was a great experience. I never really stayed in a hotel let alone had a tour of a hotel and learned how it is managed. I really enjoyed the look of the hotel, it was very sophisticated. I also really liked that we got to see the kitchen, I loved seeing the different dishes that were being prepared, but I also did not like how small the kitchen was. It looked like it was a kitchen that would be prone to accidents.

How did you feel about going to TheĀ 1 Hotel?Ā Ā 

Before getting ready to go to the hotel I did not know what to expect. I was nervous but I was also excited to see how the hotel worked and managed. It was very interesting to see the some of the different rooms that the hotel offered. It was also very informative when the managers from the different departments gave a brief explanation of what they did and how it contributed to the hotel.

Knickerbocker Hotel Reflection

  • What did you like/dislike about hotel?

There are a few things that I liked in the knickerbocker hotel. First of all, the front desk area was very serene. There were no people waiting to check in or check out. When we visited the room, the windows were soundproof which is very impressive. I did not like the kitchen area. it was very congested and messy.

  • How did you feel about going to the hotel?

After going there, I was little nervous. However, when we started the tour, I realized the difference between going in a hotel as guest and as a student research. Moreover, while managers of all department were giving us information and the process to be involved with the hotel industry. It was mind opening for me. After listening them, I felt like was in their position. To be honest I already started dreaming even though I know it a long way.

Ā Ā Ā 


knickerbocker hotel

I like the site visit to the 1 hotel because Ā it’s a great historic hotel with beautifully updated rooms.The soundproofing is excellent. The bar upstairs has a very nice view and is a good place to just catch the breeze and relax. I dislike the lobby because it is a little cramped and hard to navigate .

While I was at the 1 hotel, I learned that to work in a hospitality industry you need to have a right attitude for this industry, you must have to be patients with guests, and always have smile on your face. Second, I learned listening skills is the most significant because Ā good listening skills can be considered both a motivational and customer service tool.


Knickerbocker Visit

Visiting the hotel was a truly amazing experience for me. It allowed me to get an idea of what it is that I want to do once I graduate from college. It gave me a glimpse of what the life of being in the hospitality field will look like and it seemed just a bit difficult but it’s somewhere that I want to be. Also, I would like to keep in contact with the people that I had the opportunity to meet with by reaching out and say thank you for having me and it was truly a pleasure to be there.