Category Archives: Electronic Profile Submission


It took me sometime to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. I started at BMCC as a liberal arts major thinking that eventually Ā I would find my passion, I did not figure it until I started working in the Hyatt Place hotel. I wasn’t even aware that the hotel industry can offer so much. Once i began to work and learn the more i fell in love with the hospitality environment. My last semester in BMCC I decided that hospitality management was something that i really enjoyed doing and wanted to keep doing. I personally hope to gain as much experience in the hospitality to go around training in the system and helping open brand new hotels. I am a fast learner and a hands on type of girl.

Aaron Gonzales eprofile

I never thought myself to be in Ā the hospitality management major. I have no prior experience in cooking or hotels in general. One might ask why do I choose a major that is so intensive in these skills. The reason is because I like to see myself progress in anything I do. In every cooking procedure you start from scratch so metaphorically I am doing that with this major. When I see myself in a career I want that to be a part of me rather than a separate piece of my day like most jobs, Hospitality management gives me skills that I can use on an everyday basis and even though I have an advantage in this major because of my curiosity in learning. I am certain this curiosity will help me excel in the future.

Robert Lo (Edited)

I attend New York City College of Technology and I major in hospitality management focusing on hotel management. My goal is to start as a front desk agent and progress my way up to a front office manager in Grand Hyatt New York. I personally believe I’m active, flexible, courteous, calm, friendly, organized, tidy, and meticulous to be a successful manager.

Kiara Camacho

EDITED. After graduating Brooklyn high school of the arts at 17 years old, and coming into New York City of Technology, I did have some goals in mind that I would like to bring in order to excel and achieve my goal in receiving my Hospitality Management Degree. The goals that I have in mind are building my communication skills, perfect my writing ability, and taking positive risks. The strengths that I bring are being well organized, managing my time properly, and my ability to adapt with new activities. Growing up in a large family household, Iā€™ve learned what it is to be a team player by sharing my own thoughts, and ideas. My personal attribute is self motivation, I believe that if I want something, I have to go get it myself, and would do any thing I can to help achieve my goals.

Genesis Herrera

When I was little and my parents cooked I would just stand close by and watch how they turned plain ingredients into something so delicious was remarkable to me. It was when I realized that this is exactly what I want to be doing. I was to become a chef who is good in both culinary and pastry arts. I aspire to amaze people with the skills I will be learning in school in hopes to accomplish everything I want to do.

Nathifa Delisser

Preparing myself for something bigger and better I enrolled in CityĀ Tech’s Hospitality ManagementĀ course to pursue my goals.Ā My passion and interest for hospitality has grown over the years. I enjoy seen others happy especiallyĀ if itsĀ because of my doing. I’m very dedicated ,determine and humble. Anything I want I go for it and that’s exactly why I will be completing my associates degreeĀ here and then further my career goals