Roxanne Luciano- Rockaway Beach (Tuesday)

Rockaway Beach is one of very few beaches that we have in New York.  The summer time is the most ideal time to visit Rockaway because of the beach environment its neighborhoods bring to their visitors. But even during the winter when you visit you can go to one of the few authentic coffee shops they have to offer as well as enjoying how beautiful the beach looks in the winter. The skate parks are made into ice skating rinks in the winter as well. Rockaway is also known for how authentic the town is because of all the culture that diffuse together in one town from the restaurants to the vibe it brings. Rockaway Beach and the people that live there were one of Hurricane Sandy’s victims, but this town and the people have been rebuilding and showing the real meaning of what being a  New Yorker  is. No matter how hard things can get New York and its people come back stronger than ever.

Connolly, C. (2015, May 05). Rockaway Rebuild | Long Island Pulse Magazine. Retrieved October 26, 2016, from

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