Christopher Perez (Tuesday Class)- The New York Botanical Garden

The New York Botanical Garden,  a place for study and research as well as enchantment and exploration. This garden features more than a million plants on two hundred and fifty acres. The Botanical guarantees that you’ll forget that you’re in the middle of the city, the history of this ravishing garden started during the nineteenth century civic movement in New York City to create a cosmopolitan world capital.  Its research on plants used by people around the world and in its programs in the Bronx, strives to document cultural knowledge about plants as well as their habitats, and to promote solutions to environmental problems that preserve and respect both biological and cultural diversity. It’s an essential piece to New York culture because of their diversity of plants and research which contributes to places around the entire globe.

Plants and Fungi: Ten Current Research Stories. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2016, from

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